kara who is still instrested


New Member
With all the changes of the Kara groups, with people leaving and not needing to go anymore, I would like to get an idea who wants to go and what nights work, and which chars, and what role you like to play. This is just to get an idea what the 3 groups have to play with and add to their groups.

Please also say if you can be a regular or just a sub.
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Durruck: Mage (DPS)
Imcu: Holy Priest (Healer)
Herekitykity: Feral Druid (Hybrid: tank/DPS)

I only have time for 1 run a week; 2-3 days is about my max. Because of my work schedule, I cannot commit to coming every week on a set night. I'd rather be considered a regular. I currently split time between my Priest & Mage in group 1. My druid is committed to Clan Nan's afternoon runs when they need me. Many weeks I'd still be available. Because of my work schedule, I'm not interested in being a lead, but I'm not afraid to be an assistant with a lot of the menial tasks.
Shaman and Rogue. Pretty flexible on the days until mid november. I will be back raiding in February or leveling yet again.
Vigur - moonkin. Not affaid to switch to healing if needed. Sun/wednesday worked great for me, saturdays are bad, may be able to work any other days in to a max of 2 days :)
Gnownage - Affliction Warlock
Darthmauled - Feral Druid (Tank/DPS)

Other future options are:
Salveation - Priest (prefer to play him as holy)
Congnomedrum - Warrior (would prefer to play prot or arms dps)

I can play any night Mon-Fri except Wednesday for the next couple of months. I would prefer to play only on Mon, Tue, and/or Thurs, but I am flexible.

I understand that there is a general lack of available healers for kara runs in general, so I am currently working on leveling up my priest (he is lvl 68 currently) and getting him geared to heal.
Shortilocks - Affliction Lock
Mogrins - BM Hunter

Friday and Sunday are the only nights I would even have a shot at going to, and even then I'm at the firehouse most of the time. That being said when I am at the slow station I can still play from work.

(clear as mud?)
Xandar - Hunter (very well geared for Kara)
Tierc - Feral Druid (decently geared for Kitty and pretty well geared for tankage)

My schedule is extremely erratic, and I cannot commit to a specific weekly time frame due to business travel. I am usually able to go every other week or so, and I share lead with Mike R in group 1 on the weeks I can go. I made my attendance problem fairly clear when I started group 1 as I knew it would be an issue for some people. The group has been very accepting and a joy to be around when I am able to come. I need very little loot from any boss on either toon, and just enjoy the runs.

I usually take whichever of the toons is most needed that night, so many times both are saved to Group 1. Occasionally one is available for another group, if it hits the right night but that is rather random.

The ironic thing now for group one is that we have tried the prince several times without success. I have since been with a few successful SGA Prince runs (Got invited just for Prince), and know a decent strategy along with positioning. But now we dont quite make it that far. I look forward to being able to do that with our group soon as some new additions are able to gear up.
Ambryana - Fire mage
Kelarra - Shadow priest

I'm committed to group #1 right now, but occasionally have a toon unlocked and can join another run.
buto - shadow priest (for now)
angusog - warlock
smertrios - rogue
autolycus - bm hunter

buto and angus are experienced kara runners in group 1.
smertrios and auto have not done much if any in kara and might be a hair undergeared.
Deltara - hunter

With school I can definitely do one night per week, but to guarantee 2 nights is tough