L4D2 Rollcall


So I figure we should make a new one of these for those that have preordered or intend to get L4D2.

I didn't pre-order the game, but I received it as a gift.

I'm in.
Xpunginator -- Yes!

(and since they don't check this thread much...)
Yecats -- Yes!
Katdafa -- Yes!
Derhodeo -- Yes!

(those are my 4 pack buddies under their steam pseudonymns)
Hey guys. I'm brand new to this forum. I've been hoping to find other Christians to play Left 4 Dead 2, Halo 3, and other online games with. Please feel free to friend me; I'd love to meet you guys. Xbox 360 gamertag: BassGuitarJedi.
Hey guys. I'm brand new to this forum. I've been hoping to find other Christians to play Left 4 Dead 2, Halo 3, and other online games with. Please feel free to friend me; I'd love to meet you guys. Xbox 360 gamertag: BassGuitarJedi.
HawkRock: If you play the Xbox 360 version of Left 4 Dead 2 exclusively, you may want to check out Tribe of Judah's Xbox Live Chapter Forum. They have a list of members' gamertags, which you can use to help find other Christian gamers on Xbox Live.

Of course, if you also play the PC version, be sure to add me to your Steam Friends list (I have a link to my Steam Community page in my signature) and I'll get you an invite to our Left 4 Dead chapter's Steam Community group.