Prayer Angel, Moderator
Tomorrow "Ash Wednesday" starts lent. Lent is considered 40 days before Easter not counting Sundays. My question for you is what are you willing to give up for your Lord???? I have even gone as far as giving up going out to eat. This year I will give up all my cokes (carbonated drinks) and go back to things more healthy for me like water and juice and gatorade and milk. I actually stop from Ash Wednesday until Easter but some people actually do not count Sundays. So post what you are giving up and see if we can't rally together and see how easy it can be. Blessings,"Angel"
I am going to give up stressing out. This may sound strange, but I really need to relax more and take things in stride. I know that external stress is going to occur, it always will (I think) but I do not need to get so tense about things.
I'm going to be giving up 2 things, soda's and candy/junkfood. Lets see if I can make it the whole time. :) I"ve never done it before so it'll be a stretch.

I want to strive to fall 100%, completely in His arms. No worries, no stress, no control on my part, only trust. And to depend on His Word. To hold to His promises in the midst of trials and storms, regardless of my feelings, knowing that He is in control and not one hair falls from my head without His knowledge and permission.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7