Log parsing?

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
In order to "sell" advertising on the ToJ game servers to companies, I need to figure out how much traffic we've had on the ToJ CS Temp server this week. What's the best way to parse (I believe that's the correct term, yes?) logs and extrapolate (again, guessing on terms) the number of unique player connections in a given day?

Basically, I want to be able to tell someone interested in advertising, "You pay X dollars a month to get your ad in front of Y number of players each day." I'm discussing the value of X in the staff forum; I need some help discovering the value of Y from server logs.
hescominsoon said:
you need something like psychostats. Find out what the temp server has on it for log parsing.
The only add-ons I found uploaded to the server are Admin Mod, HLGuard, statsme, and metamod.

Doesn't Psychostats require you to run a web server instance on the same box? To my knowledge ET Game Hosting does not allow command-line access to any of their servers. The account gives access to files for a single CS server with no ability to run executables.

EDIT: ET Game Hosting is offering Psychostats with new 16-slot servers this week, so we know that they can install and run it. I've sent an e-mail to their support department asking how much extra it would cost to add Psychostats to the server.
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hescominsoon said:
Check with the game host that their TOS allows us to advertise on this server.
Do you mean on the ToJ CS Temp server? We're not actually advertising anything there. I configured the plugin to load an example of what an advertisement would look like, but no company is being advertised.

Still, I'll need to check with 1&1 to verify we won't be violating their ToS if we run advertisements on our game servers. It's probably fine, given that a dedicated box can also be used to run web servers (and many web sites feature advertisements).
lol, within 5 minutes, i get 3 posts... thx for the answers... lol


So we just need to startup and they will help after we start?
There is a way to check how many total visitors in the server FTP but you wouldnt be able to check daily unless you sat at your computer every day with the ftp up and highlighted the last person to enter the day before but thats pointless. That would work but it would be a lot of pointless work that isnt needed.
Hm. I admit I haven't done much research yet, but it looks as though Psychostats doesn't output the kind of information I'm looking for. It shows the number of connection attempts, as displayed here, but not the number of unique players in a given day.
Psychostats records the info you are looking for. If there is FTP access to the log folder on the server you can setup pyschostats on another box. The psychostats perl script has several features to parse scripts from a remote source through FTP. A custom page would have to be written to query the data but could be done as psychostats records information by steam id (or unique player). So it is a simple count query based on the unique entries for a particular day in cs player data table.

Hope that helps.