Minister launches drive-in church

Posting in an epic thread.

A drive-in church seems the next step in the atomization of American culture generally and the local American church specifically. One could take the "Well, it's better than nothing" approach and applaud the pastor's efforts, but giving people even easier access to a place of worship where they don't personally interact with other Christians seems to diminish the role of the local church as outlined in the New Testament.

Then again, maybe I'm just too old-fashioned and need to get with the times.

What do you all think?
I suppose it's not much different than holding church services in a bar, or club, if you will. Do whatever it takes to get out Jesus' message - reach the masses where they are, go to their comfort zone... whatever idea you prefer.

I have a friend that is an atheist. If I could get him to even admit the possibility of (a) god, much less acknowledge the One God, I'd be thrilled. It's a step in the right direction. I see this being an outreach with a similar goal: just get them started and let God do the rest.

On a side note, we had a big discussion about a similar concept in my last small group. The discussion was whether by becoming Christians...did we have to stop going to the club? Should we never drink, smoke, or tell jokes? We had to draw conclusions from our studies, but we agreed that we shouldn't change friends and stop going to our old hang-outs - that our old friends needed to see Jesus in our lives, too... and who better to show them than us? We just need to alter our behavior (clean up the language, no over-indulgence, etc). Essentially, turn from our wicked ways, but don't leave anyone behind. I'm sure, if needed, I can find the passages that we used to draw these conclusions.

But back to the point. I would hope that Rev. Markle would put in his messages the fact that we do need fellowship...more than waving through the window to someone three cars down. I'm curious as to how they accomplish other things... in our services, there are bulletins, a little worksheet that goes with each service, communion, tithing, information packets for visitors, etc. How would these be handled at a "drive up service"? Hopefully the Drive-Up Church is the gateway - the way for someone to get started with Jesus without feeling threatened. Once they get comfortable, they can join the bigger church family with a sense of already belonging.