Monday October 30, 2017


Luke 12:51 NLT

Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!

Yep we are seeing the band aids come off and what has been hidden behind them for quite some time now. The wounds and scars are finally back out in the open where they are seen by all. Proof they have never healed behind that patch because Christ does not patch. He truly heals and opens the door to sight. Yeah I'm silly for saying Christ is our healer or I'm nuts for saying He is our answer to this world's problems but I know no unbeliever will believe me until He shows up. At first the unbelief hurt knowing so but now I realize the power coming in I told you so. Relax while you're out making a day go by a day because our Future is everlasting. Smile smile Smile because He Loved YOU FIRST before you ever Loved him!!! Have a blessed week and God will provide!!!