my healing got cut in half!! onoes...


New Member
Spell Power, +Healing, and Coefficients September 1, 2008

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard about the change to itemization whereby the +Healing and +Spell Damage stats are being retired for the less specialized Spell Power stat. What, exactly does this mean, though, and what can you expect at the release of Patch 3.0?

Converting +Healing to Spell Power
Balance Druids should see a direct translation of their spell damage into spell power at a 1:1 ratio. (This doesn’t account for the loss of spell power due to the reduction being made to Lunar Guidance, however.) Restoration Druids – or anyone wearing their healing kit – can expect to see their +Healing converted to Spell Power in the following manner:

Spell Power = +Healing * 0.532

In other words, players can expect to see a 46.8% reduction in their +Healing when converting to Spell Power. Note that this change will not affect your effective healing as spell coefficients are being adjusted to account for this reduction (more on this below). 0.532 was derived by comparing the ten staves with the highest +Healing values available in TBC... [site has a list]..

At the same time, you can expect to see your Bonus Spell Damage (in the form of spell power) increased by approximately 60%. This increase in fire power – or Arcane/Nature power, as the case may be – should make leveling in your Resto-kit a lot more viable than it would have been otherwise.

Adjusting Coefficients
While it was Blizzard’s intention to streamline spellcaster gear by having DPS and Healer casters use the same items, it wasn’t their intention to nerf the effectiveness of our spells. Therefore, the +Healing coefficients for Healing spells pre-WotLK will be increased to compensate for the reduction of +Healing. In order to keep the effective amount healed for a given spell the same, we’d expect the original coefficients to be multiplied by 1/0.532 or 1.88. To verify this, I returned to Outlands on the Beta server (no small feat for someone bound in Borean Tundra) and did some coefficient testing for the HoT portion of Rejuvenation and Regrowth. In both cases, using the same gear and same level of +Healing, each spell ticked for the same amount on beta and live (there was a very small difference in a few HoT ticks, but that is no doubt due to rounding issues).

Note: At some point, I hope to publish some revised spell power coefficients for Wrath, but haven’t had the time to perform data collection, yet.

Talent Implications
In Wrath of the Lich King, the Spell Power afforded by Lunar Guidance will be reduced from 25% to 12%. This is a reduction of 52% which is, not coincidentally, about the same percent reduction being applied to +Healing. I believe this talent was reduced in effectiveness to avoid making it too desirable to Healers (as it otherwise would have afforded more than twice the benefit that it did in TBC). This had the unfortunate side effect of harming Balance Druids in the process, however. I suspect that the relocation of both Nature’s Grace and Moonglow to much higher in the Balance tree was similarly meant to discourage Restoration Druid’s from dipping so deeply into Balance. Blizzard probably didn’t want to repeat the perceived mistake of making a hybrid build like the Dreamstate healer even close to as viable as a deeply Restoration-specced Druid.


I just looked at our healing touch spell, and realized that it’s been changed from 3.5 seconds to 3 seconds. Thus, talented, it would be 2.5 seconds, and with the glyph of healing touch, it would be a 1 second cast. ... a 1 second heal! I think that’s better than any other healer.

Inscription for Druids

my two cents? with improved tree form, healing touch being a 1 sec cast, revive and seed of life..

Restos are officially awesome.​

especially mine :p
Moon fire Spamming your way to 80 in WotLk

good ideas - builds for leveling your resto with some balance talents

of course, I didn't put any talents in balance for leveling through TBC so I might not this time either. But I have a great leveling partner (with multiple toons) to keep me safe. If youre soloing, I'd recommend some balance points. Resto4Life has some links to other sites for m00nkins listed on the blogroll (may have adult language idk).
I healed a major instance (ZA) with my pally for the first time since the patch. Bear in mind that I forgot I had not set him up AT ALL yet when I accepted the invite. ZA was a PUG. Ya, really.

Rather than do the honorable thing, I admit I decided to wing it. I put 3 spells on my hot bar (flash of light, big something of light, and cleanse). I talented myself up and went to town.

Party had 4 or 5 first timers, and 5 experienced (incl myself). We one shot everything.

Flash healed for btn 1600 and 3800 a shot (depending on crits). My lowest mana was about 65% during the hexx lord.

I dont think pally healers were nerfed much.....
nice :)

I just realized (silly ADD gets in the way all the time!) that the glyph that brings Healing Touch down to a 1 sec cast also cuts the heal itself in HALF. no more 11k crits if I keep the glyph *boohoo*

right now it doesnt matter much - I'm in Tree all the time for 10/25/1million mans.. but I wont be for 5 mans in WotLK.. and that means a lot of HT. I'm weighing my options here.

The worst part about HT was the long cast.. and occassionally misjudging the cast, missing your target (meaning death - onoes)... the next worst part was threat. BUT 1 sec cast means I could get off 3 in the time of 1 regular, right? and less threat too.. maybe? This would be good because while Imp ToL increases armor by 100%, when in NE form you still have little armor. the questions is - WILL my threat be reduced if I'm casting multiple HTs with only 1 sec in between? It is also the fastest big heal in the game now I think... just not as big. It will still be a decent heal.. just not 9-11k crits (50% of that?).

oh - ive not tried this.. danny says on his warrior he can shadowmeld in fight. can druids too?

because that would be tremendously awesome and make restos superior to priests muwahahaha :p jk.
oh I meant to add some things Ive noticed while healing ZA and kara.

kara - awesomely easy. I mean seriously.. I know it's been nerfed, but I was in tree form the whole time. no HTs needed.. and not everyone was in purples. We had a second healer, but I see no reason why Yesmina couldnt heal it herself should everyone be geared - just like UBRS pre BC - and should everyone let the tank get aggro :p

ZA - I had so much fun! also in Tree form the whole time. first time after the new talents.. wow let me say I love Wild Regrowth. no CD on it.. INSTANT CAST :eek: throw it on one person and 4 others within 15 yds of him get healed. I think the base heal is 850 over time, it gives a bigger heal at first and gets less overtime. nice thing - you can throw it on multiple people. If more than say 5 people need a little top off, I throw it on about 3 people and the entire raid's HP is filled -no worries at all. this was nice when I couldnt reach some people too.. they got healed off of someone I could reach. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. did I mention I love it? of course if everyone in your party is 50% down you'd better use tranquility. but Wild Regrowth is DEFINITELY a raid heal.

seed of life? love it. anytime I crit heal with rejuv or (man I cant think of it's name - ADD) it's cousin, the person gets SoL. the next time they get hit, they get healed (if it is within I think 10 sec). awesome.

still getting used to revive. I am forgetful.. so remind me to rez you :)

Improved Tree of life is awesome. 100% more armor? yes please! gentle reminder to anyone wanting treeform - if you dont get improved ToL your spirit does NOT improve your healing. I'm really glad they put it on Imp ToL. I love me some spirit (I remember people thinking I was crazy for loading up on it - hey it improves my healing and I never have to stop and drink BONUS)! There are lots of talent points that improve healing for us too.. shapeshifter and all that. nice!

Yesmina is a seriously good healer now. I mean, she was pretty decent before.. but the new talents really put her way up there! And restos are really healers of their own kind. WHile we can use cloth etc.. there is no comparing us to priests. We can heal just as well.. only we are completely different and noone should try to play their resto as a priest (something we were trying to do pre BC). I'm fairly excited. especially since I will be the only resto in the entire universe once WoTLK comes out.

I cant wait until 80 and she has a totally full resto tree.
Just remember something about shadowmeld, it is not a threat reduction like fade (priest), vanish (rogue) or invis (mage). Once you come out of shadowmeld, all your threat comes back. At least that is what the tooltip says.
Yes. It's a temporary threat suspension. Hopefully doing the time when you count as having no aggro and are not producing threat, your tank manages to re-surpass you.
Yes. It's a temporary threat suspension. Hopefully doing the time when you count as having no aggro and are not producing threat, your tank manages to re-surpass you.

yep. exactly what happens. works awesomely great! I actually have set up a macro that says "Yesmina is using shadowmeld" so people know I am getting hurt and "please pick up this target or you get no heals!"
I'm going to continue posting links in here that I find interesting or think other Restos might like.

Rep Rewards for Healers

also.. in case you dont have it set up in your actionbar for ToL.. as of patch 3.0.2 you can use Healing Touch in treeform.. awesome!
Wild Growth: When it’s Awesome and When it Sucks.

For starters: this spell is amazing. I’m 5/8 T6, and my main competition on the healing meters (which don’t matter, remember) is an 8/8 T6 shammy we picked up not too long ago. Actually, it was never a competition: a tree just could NOT keep up with chain heal. He was consistently on the top, followed by other shamans, followed by CoH priests (when there was plenty of raid damage), then the poor druids. Pallies and Holy/Disc priests tend to come at the bottom of the meter, which isn’t a bad thing because their job is to spam-overheal the tanks.

So, since I picked up Wild Growth, what’s happened? I’ve hit the top. Any number of boss fights are ideal for this spell, and the fact that it does your work for you by selecting the people in range who most need healing is just brilliant. The flood of green numbers floating around my screen is overwhelming, and recount has spat out numbers in excess of 2k HPS on boss fights. This has resulted in me being able to out-do even the previously-unchallenged chain-healing shamans, and really pump my healing numbers.

More people die.

Why? Is Wild Growth a bad thing? Well, yes, and no. And THIS is exactly why healing meters DO NOT MATTER. Previously, druids were the king of direct group healing. Shamans are busy tossing out chain heals, which are great, but don’t always get to the people who need them. Pallies and priests are either CoHing or spamming the tanks. It was left to us druids, in between rolling lifebloom on the tanks, to toss out regrowths and rejuvs to those in need, and be ready with a swiftmend. Wild Growth is fantastic, and it can really reduce the load on other group healers, but trees need to be careful not to focus too much on the big numbers it can push out: Regrowth, Rejuv, and Swiftmend still hold CRUCIAL roles in druid healing, and we mustn’t fall into the trap of ignoring them.

Go back and read my post on Spell Selection, if you haven’t already (sorry for linking it over and over, but it’s really quite relevant). Lifebloom is king on the tanks, rejuv for light on-going raid damage, and regrowth when we want some burst. Since the patch, Healing Touch is more of an option even, although I wouldn’t be grabbing the glyph myself (that’s a whole ‘nother post), and Wild Growth needs to fit in somewhere.

Where? >>>Consistent raid-wide damage with little chance of spikes<<<. You can definitely put out bigger overall numbers with WG than you can with either regrowth or rejuv, particularly in a 25-man raid. Ultimately, effective healing is the measure of your mana-effectiveness in dealing with damage, and when you’re not worried about losing people, the sheer healing-meter power of WG is superb. WG is VERY bad, however, at saving lives: the ticks aren’t really all that big, and the kicker is, YOU CANNOT SWIFTMEND WILD GROWTH. If you see a bit of damage on someone and toss out a WG to hot up a few nearby players as well, only to see ever more damage piled onto the person you cast on, you’re an extra second or two away from any kind of burst healing. There is a good chance this person will die, because you wanted to see bigger numbers.

I agree with this 110%. Wild Growth is awesome! I use it A LOT even in 5 mans. BUT, generally speaking, I run with very well geared people who are very good players... so they don't take an enormous amount of damage. Wild growth works beautifully. HOWEVER.. you will absolutely lose people if you are not careful in observing the damage being taken.

Lifebloom on the tanks is obvious. Rejuv on light raid damage when only one or two people are affected (this is actually not that common), otherwise Wild Growth. Regrowth on anyone you even THINK is going to take some spike damage, and follow up with a swiftmend if needed. Healing Touch

HTH someone! article HERE
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