Neck pain


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
I think I pulled a muscle yesterday, because my neck has hurt for the last 26 hours. My neck hurts any time I look in any direction except slightly downward. I tried taking some ibuprofen, but that didn't seem to help much.

Please pray that the pain subsides. Even though the pain is least severe when looking slightly downward (at my notebook screen), it's still painful to stay on the computer for any length of time.
will pray, i know how u feel lol.

did sleeping make u feel any better or worse after u woke up?
Slightly better, but the pain came back full force around 11 a.m. today.
I'll be praying for you. I've had a lot of neck problems in the past so I fully understand how hard neck pain can make things. Just a suggestion, but if your insurance will pay for a chiropractor it is well worth the visit.
I'll be praying for you. I've had a lot of neck problems in the past so I fully understand how hard neck pain can make things. Just a suggestion, but if your insurance will pay for a chiropractor it is well worth the visit.
I don't have health insurance. :(

I'm currently unemployed and individual health insurance is way too expensive at this point.
Praying, I can sympathize for you. When at Costco with my mom a few days back, a sharp pain shot up my right side, ebbing away gradually. Have you tried using heating pads to try to relax the muscles? Perhaps someone you know has some knowledge of massage therapy and could help you out, preferably a personal friend. Also, according to a medical book I have, looking under the topic of "Neck Pain" says (loosely): if the neck and head are held at an extreme position for long periods of time, it can lead to abnormal stress and neck pain. If you want a longer version, PM me, and I'll send you a longer one. But my recommendation for now would be heating pads to relax the muscles. Great to use when you're in a recliner reading a book or the like. I've given myself some neck pain with "a wind-up and delivery that would make a pro baseball pitcher proud." As a final note, this book also says that you should see a doctor if pain lasts longer than 3 days, or if it radiates to other parts of your body. I know that you said you have no Health Insurance. But I feel it's best to let you know what a medical book says.
But my recommendation for now would be heating pads to relax the muscles.
I tried some Muscle Rub from Walgreens last night. Aside from making my skin feel like it was on fire, it didn't do much to help.
As a final note, this book also says that you should see a doctor if pain lasts longer than 3 days, or if it radiates to other parts of your body.
It's been two full days now; the pain isn't quite as bad as it was the first day, but it's taking a while to subside. I'm hoping that a day relaxing and taking regular doses of ibuprofen will be enough to get rid of the pain.

It would be horrible if I did have to go to the doctor. Not only do I not have any insurance, I'm in a new town where I don't know anyone. That, and I hate going to the doctor. Sometimes it's better just to wait out the pain.
I specified heating pads because it's an external heat source, and no creams or whatever involved. Kinda why I didn't recommend something like icyhot, because it doesn't do the job as well imo. Yeah, I looked a little more and "waiting it out" was a solution they recommended. There was also some exercise that could help, such as pushing on the right side of your head with your hand, and using your neck muscles to push back. Also, it said avoid doing head rolls, as they could do more damage.
If I had a vote I would tell you to get it checked. There are hospitals and doctors who will work with those without income (I am one of those also, lost my job for health reasons and still trying to nail those down so of course I have no insurance) but without the knowledge of what you are dealing with, you won't know what to do for it.
Necks are the pathway to your brain, so be careful. It is the only one God gave you and you have to protect your use of it. You are on my prayer list, but please be careful and have it checked out.
I've had times before where my neck hurt pretty bad in any direction but <insert position here>, not too often, but it usually happened after a night of restless sleep or lots of lifting at work and the muscles got tweaked somehow. My mom always told me that I needed to try moving it in the directions it hurt because it was most likely a bad bad cramp or something along those lines. While it hurts like nothing else, it seems like sometimes that's "all" it takes, just fighting through the pain to get everything back to working order.

And I'll be praying
I did some research on WebMD, so I have a few sets of instructions on treating the pain at home.

Almost all the pain has subsided, so I'm not concerned about permanent damage. It was likely just a bad cramp that just needed time and daily exercise to work out.

EDIT: Still, it's very nice to be (almost) entirely out of pain. Thanks to all who prayed and praise God that it wasn't anything more severe.
I am glad you were blessed with a recovery! Take care of your neck and stop sleeping funny! (makes my neck cramp something terrible - sleeping on the couch is not as comfy as it looks! LOL)
I have pain in the neck other than my kids and a good friend suggested swapping sleeping sides of the bed with my wife and now the pain is mild hahaha the rest is kids lol!!!! I pray!!
Well, the neck pain is back again.

I watched a movie earlier today, went to stand up, and either pinched a nerve or pulled a muscle. I'm not sure what exactly happened, but it hurt. The pain wasn't too bad at first, but increased in the next few hours until I just wanted to lie down on my back and rest.

It took a little over 4 days for the pain to dissipate last time. I have to write and finish an article for a local magazine tomorrow, so I'm sincerely hoping the pain fades more quickly this time.
It's four days past Sunday and there's still some residual pain. I haven't been taking pain relievers or using hot/cold treatment because it didn't help last time.

I'll probably start taking regular doses of ibuprofen to see if it helps this time.

I also plan to start stretching every morning to see if that helps get rid of my neck and back pain.