Need Prayer


New Member
I would like some prayer... I am going through the most emotionally painful month of my life. There have been a series of things that have occurred starting with my wife having a miscarriage and concluding (I hope) with a phone call I just got from my dad...

My mom has lung cancer, and all my dad would tell me is that the prognosis is not good.

I am not asking for prayer for myself, I simply want prayer for my mom... I love her, and like most mom's she has always been my biggest supporter. Right now she is scared and feeling alone.

If I could afford to fly out there to see her I would in a heartbeat but I cannot and I know right now what she really needs is Jesus.

My mother is a believer, bought and paid for... she just needs peace, patience and God’s healing, if it is his plan.

Thanks in advance...
My mom lives in Tulsa Oklahoma, where she works to support my dad who is 100% disabled...

Maybe I should play the lottery so I can pay medical bills for them both and make sure everyone is taken care of...

Though I do trust in God to take care of us.