Never done PvP

First work on getting to Heroes' Ascent. Then work on faction-farming and unlocking skills, etc. Then work on joining in on Tuesdays and Fridays, hurray!!

As far as specifics, you'll have to use Wiki or find someone who's a better teacher than me. Good luck!

First start off in something small. Get used the the pace and the general "feel" for PvP. Get to know skills, a lot of times i can look at the picture of a skill and know what it does. Get skills unlocked with Balthazar Faction.

try and make it to our PvP nights. And dont get discouraged by losing and/or being flamed by people. It takes time, but its a lot of fun.
Yep Stc is correct it takes time and effort but is fun. Believe me everyone who is rank 3 and above realize how much it takes to be decent at pvp!
If you've never done any PvP at all, you can't beat the Zaishen arenas for training and earning a little PvP faction. If you don't yet have Zaishen Challenge unlocked and don't know how to do so, let me know and I'll get you that info. Otherwise, start there (Challenge) and with you plus three henches you can easily earn 3,000 Balthazar faction per day while gaining PvP experience. That faction will allow you to create a PvP only character (if you have the available slot) and optimize it to work with our PvP team. Of course, I'm more than happy to help with any step of that process as I'm sure our other officers are (Dredd, STC, Maid Mirawyn, Derk, etc).
