NEW computer!!!


Trieb of Judah Starcraft Series Chapter Co-leader
I'm building a computer from the ground are my specs

i5 core i5 core
Motherboard Motherboard
Graphics Card
Ram 8Gigs
Power Supply
Hard Drive
Windows 7
CD drive
and the case HAF Case

Should run ultra SC2 and any other games...but i gotta wait like 6 weeks to fully buy all the parts =\

Cant wait for it all to come in!!!!!!
I was thinking...I havent bought the processor yet so maybe switching it up to an i7? yes/no? thoughts
The main reason to pay the additional cash for a i7 is hyper-threading, but this advantage will only be evident if you frequently use programs that can actually make use of 8 threads. Games don't, so do not expect to see much difference for the extra cash.
Get the i5 with a good CPU cooler and some quick ram and clock away.

I do highly recommend a better PSU. You want 500watt min.
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Looking into it I would probably get a higher power supply.

On xaveor posted a thing asking what kind of computer to make/buy and a guy from teamliquid responded with the computer parts that i bought there. He said thats what hes been running for 3 years now (just older parts) and he hasnt had a problem...especially with the 380 pcu.

=\ *shrugs*
PSU demand is going to depend on mainly your graphics card. I would go with the 500W too. They recommend for a dual slot (crossfire) to have at least 1000W. LOL
Power supply

Here is one that is a constant 520W PCU...I have the money for it and would rather buy parts from a company that i know Antec or corsar
