New game patch hurts ad carries : (


Tribe of Judah Unreal Tournament Chapter Co-leader

as an ad carry only who starts with a vamperic sceptor..I really am rather upset with this video, but I have to agree with the life steal for late game especially. This is going to be a huge nerf to ad carries : ( The video dosen't say what the changes are to these items, but if anyone can dig them up I would appretiate it. What sucks is not having enough life steal when going up against thornmail. I hope The blood Thirster is not a flat out nerf, but maybe rather give it some more damage if you take away the life steal. God forbid, I actually buy some magic resist! The one thing I am happy about is the rammus and ESPECAILLY shaco nerfs. Shaco was definetly the most OP gankger in the game. I'll probablly still ban him though Who knows maybe i'll switch to ziggs, he has a double shot like mf (kinda) : )
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I'm unsure how I feel about the lifesteal changes yet. To hard to guess until you play a few games and see the number changes.

I think its a pretty good way to kill bot lane sustain. With the number of people that build Wriggles on AD carries in ranked the sustain levels just make it too boring.
What? Lifesteal changes? Does that mean Morgana's getting nerfed again? :(

/me totally didn't click the link or watch the video
Nah, Morgana's spellvamp isn't being touched. Riot is nerfing Vampiric Scepter, Wriggle's Lantern, and Bloodthirster.
Nah, Morgana's spellvamp isn't being touched. Riot is nerfing Vampiric Scepter, Wriggle's Lantern, and Bloodthirster.
Okay. Just so long as Morgana isn't nerfed.

/me goes back to play bot matches once every two weeks
Glad ad carries got nerfed, they needed it. But all in all, it wasnt that big of a nerf imo. Still gonna have all kinds of chars blossom out of control if people feed them.

Morgana dont need nerfed.. People just need to learn to dodge.