"New" Guild Bank


New Member
Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on the Guild Bank changes made recently. I've been working with the guild leaders to get some of the tabs renamed, repurposed, and permissions updated to make things even more accessible to everyone. Here's what we came up with:

Tab 1: Grab Bag: Collects anything not belonging to another tab (not for glyphs, mats, etc)

Tab 2: Plans and Glyphs: If it's not a profession plan or a glyph, put it elsewhere. Try and keep glyphs relevant (don't dump glyphs no one will use here), and keep them sorted by class.

Tab 3: Mats: This tab is for anything used to make anything else. Finished products do not belong here. This tab is for leveling materials. Mats used in Northrend crafting go in the next tab.

Tab 4: High Mats: This tab is for materials used in Northrend-level professions. For example, frostweave cloth, northrend herbs, infinite dust, eternals, etc, etc.

Tab 5: Veteran: This tab is for anything a veteran might use. Flasks, raid food, and other miscellaneous items a veteran would use. Gear may or may not be put into this tab.

Tab 6: Guild Treasure: Only the highest of items will go into this tab. Orbs obtained from raiding, primordial saronite, high level gear, and so on.

- NO GRAY ITEMS should ever be put into the guild bank. They will be vendored on sight.

- Anything you donate to the guild bank may be moved, sold, or distributed at my or another officer's discretion. Once you donate something to the guild bank, you lose all personal rights to it.

- No one should, for any reason, take something from the guild bank for the sole purpose of selling it. Exceptions would be if you are crafting something, and you have all the materials except for one thing you need from the guild bank. Then by all means, craft your item and sell it. If you have any questions, just ask myself or an officer.

Permissions are as follows:

Probation: no guild bank privileges.

- Grab Bag: 5 withdrawals
- Plans and Glyphs: 3 withdrawals
- Mats: 3 withdrawals
- High Mats: 0 withdrawals*
- Veteran: 0 withdrawals
- Guild Treasure: 0 withdrawals

- Grab Bag: 5 withdrawals
- Plans and Glyphs: 3 withdrawals
- Mats: 3 withdrawals
- High Mats: 1 withdrawals*
- Veteran: 1 withdrawals
- Guild Treasure: 0 withdrawals

Activity Coordinator:
- Grab Bag: 5 withdrawals
- Plans and Glyphs: 3 withdrawals
- Mats: 3 withdrawals
- High Mats: 3 withdrawals
- Veteran: 3 withdrawals
- Guild Treasure: 0 withdrawals

*I am thinking of changing these to 1 withdrawal for members and 2-3 for veterans.

Feel free to talk to me in-game or send me a forum email if you have any questions/suggestions.

- Your friendly neighborhood guild banker