New medic weapons revealed


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Developer Valve released the final details on its upcoming Team Fortress 2 content update during a party tonight in downtown San Francisco.

In addition to the known crit-increasing gun "The Critzcrieg," the remaining two unlockable medic weapons were also available for hands-on time. Dubbed "The Blutsaugher" and "The Ubersaw," they will serve as replacements for the medic's standard syringe and bonesaw, respectively. The weapons will be earned through a new achievement system, and equipped through a loadout menu.

Below you can check out Valve's official descriptions for the weapons. For more, check out our impressions of the new content--including the fantastic Goldrush map--as well as our interview with Valve's Robin Walker.

The Blutsaugher
For players that earn one third of the 36 new medic achievements, they will be given a new syringe gun. Called "The Blutsaugher," this new weapon no longer has the ability to score critical hits against an opponent. Instead it will draw health from enemies each time a syringe hits. Especially useful as a weapon to retreat away from the fight while staying alive.

The Critzcrieg
Once a medic has earned two thirds of the achievements, they will be granted "The Critzcrieg." This new medigun uses its ubercharge not for invulnerability, but to give its recipient 100% chance to fire critical ordinance. Medics and the player they are charging need to be careful though, because as much fun as it is to fire critical rockets as fast as you can, the other team will see what you're up to and try to put a quick stop to your plan.

The Ubersaw
For the determined medic that has earned all 36 of the new achievements, they will find themselves the proud owner of "The Ubersaw," which will take damage done in melee attacks and convert it directly to ubercharge. Four hits with this new weapon will fully charge whatever medigun the medic has equpped.
Source: Valve Reveals Final Team Fortress 2 Medic Weapons

I really wish Valve had just left well enough alone.
As much as I know most people will disagree with me on this, I think the unlocks are a great idea. For most games I would say the addition of unlocks would unbalance the game, but this is Valve. They are the masters of game balance.

I think the Critzcrieg will be interesting because just imagine a scenario where a medic charges up activates it and steps around the corner only to have the target get sniped through the face. 10 seconds of crits are pretty powerful, but the fact that you are still completely vulnerable will be a strong downside. Even with 10 seconds of crits, I think a standard demo uber rush will still be better for sentry killing.

I'm a little curious about the blutsaugher. The only problem I see is how well it will be balanced with the original syringe gun. If you are playing on a server with no crits is there any difference in damage between the old and the new guns? If there isn't I can see this unbalancing the medic, but on servers with crits it should be okay. It still does limited damage and you will play more as a defensive weapon than an offensive one.
well I wonder if the server has crits disabled will the Critzcrieg would be completely worthless or does it over-ride the server rules....
We shall see I suppose... still some interesting ideas presented here with the weapons. Again, I like the idea of breathing new life into the game with achievements and unlockables, but only if those unlockables are balanced and you're not going to be missing out of a game advantage if you don't have them.

At any rate, it'll be nice not having to play medic for my team for a while! That'll be a nice upshot! I can finally try being a sniper for once! :)