Playing with a tank 101, no not the metal one


New Member
Ok, this is an absolute gem of a piece. This wins Tinie's seal of approval and ranks number 1 for everyone's need to read it:) Everything is this guy's thread is absolutely true and if followed, would make runs go oh so much smoother. Not that some of you don't know these things already, but read it anyway:)

Repost from US Forums
Original poster: Ziloxus

This post is something of a cathartic exercise for myself. If someone gets something out of it great, if not that’s fine too. I feel like I got it out of my system before the next pug either way.

Things every warrior tank thinks every non tank should know.

My ability to generate threat over an extended time frame is inversely proportional to your ability to generate threat.

Huh? Ok here is what I mean, we will use a mage for this example but the same applies to rogues hunters, or anything else not a warrior or a bear druid.

As a fight commences both of us have two bars. We both have big full green health bars. Under my health bar is a big empty bar. Under your health bar is a big full blue bar. When you do dmg, it drains your blue bar. When I give or take dmg it fills my red bar. You have all the ammo you need at the start of a fight to make all kinds of threat which will pull all kinds of aggro. I don’t have much ammo to generate threat or take aggro, it takes me a minute.

The difference is that at the beginning of the fight, your threat making resource; mana, is full. You at this moment can activate whatever ability you want and instantly create tons of threat. Mine is empty. My resource, rage, fills up as I give and take dmg. Over the course of the fight I will get a lot to spend, so the longer the fight goes on the more and more threat I make. Problem is at the beginning of the fight I have little or no rage. It takes me time to build the threat to hold aggro off of you.

So what does this mean to you? It means that if you start every pull with your biggest most evil 10 second cast fireball, it’s gonna be real tough for me to get aggro off of you with my empty rage bar.

How to apply this advice: You need to learn to pace your dps. Whether you are a mage or a rogue or a lock whatever (except hunters who feign death whenever the cooldown is up) start off the fight with lighter lower dmg attacks. As the fight wears on rank it up to the bigger meaner stuff. You can do the same amount of dmg, but instead of front loading all of your dps (and threat) back load it.

Seriously, this is the biggest problem I see with every single DPS class in the game. Yes, I can taunt the mob off of you, but then the taunt is on cool down. What if the mob then does an aggro wipe like a knock down and it goes after you? What if it stuns me right after I taunt so I can’t build threat? You should be trying to play in such a way that you don’t ever have to see the warrior taunt outside of extenuating circumstances like aggro wipes.

When not to stun.

Ok so you have a stun button. I’m happy for you, no really I am. Stun buttons are great. You see a mob start to cast a heal or a “Level 5 Death to Tank” stun him, that’s fabulous. You see something chewing on a healer, stun them, awesome. A mob “attempts to run away in fear” go nuts stun lock them to the floor.

So why insist on stunning a mob I just pulled? Why stun the mob I just taunted? Here is what happens when you do that. When I am tanking I don’t really do dmg to make rage. My little red bar fills up when I take dmg. If you stun early in a pull I don’t get pounded on so I don’t gain threat so I don’t hold aggro, so someone like a healer or a mage is going to get the aggro. This wont usually produce a wipe, most mobs you can stun aren’t a big deal, but seriously, why make things more difficult then they need to be?

If you absolutely need a rule of thumb, wait till there are two sunders on a target before you stun it.

What to do when you get aggro.

The tank won’t always hold aggro. That’s a fact. Maybe the tank sucks, maybe he got feared, maybe he got stunned, maybe you just unleashed a cruise missile that crits the target for umpteen gazillion points before the tank had so much as an auto-attack on the mob. Whatever the reason, eventually you are going to have the mob beat on you.

If you are wearing pajamas and the mob is elite I understand the panic that sets in. You don’t want to get two shotted. I don’t want that either. So let me explain first the two things NOT to do.

Don’t nuke the thing with another cruise missile! You just pulled aggro so why go nuts trying to dps the thing to the floor before it can kill you? This isn’t a lvl 11 Defias Pillager, most likely you wont take it down in time. What you WILL do, is generate another gajillion points of threat that the tank needs to top to get it off of you. Stop hurting it. If you have a threat mitigator (cower, feint, fade, feign death) use it, if not. Just hold still for a sec. It wont be for very long, soon enough you will be sticking it full of sharp metal things or setting the mob on fire again. Just don’t make it harder for the tank to get the thing off of you.

Don’t run for the hills! I am a bit baffled as to where this gut reaction comes from. When you were lvl 40 did you outrun a bear or something? I don’t think you did. Do you think if you run far enough you will drop aggro? In an instance an elite mob will not drop aggro until you are dead or until you have left the instance. Running won’t keep the mob from chewing on your keester the whole time you run around, really it won’t. The mob runs the exact same speed you do. Guess who else runs the exact same speed you do. That’s right, me!

So if train A leaves Pheonix at 5:10 a.m. Pacific time headed east at 45 miles per hour, and Train B leaves San Diego at 5:10 a.m. Pacific time headed east at 45 miles per hour, at what point does train B catch up to Train A? That’s right! Never! So when train A dies in a monstrous fireball or twisted metal and diesel fuel, it is probably even going to blame train B for not saving it.

You need to run TOWARD the tank, at the very least hold still.

Ok Pally OT, bear OT or other Warr OT, when should you taunt off of me?

Um, really close to never. Why on earth are you taunting off of me? Are you trying to prove a point? Are you trying to demonstrate that you can tank as well as me? Great for you! You have tank buttons too. Now I have to burn my taunt to pull the mob back off of you so you don’t die, or so the healer doesn’t waste mana on you. Now my taunt is in cool down if I need it.

The only time you should taunt off the main tank is if I ask you to. When will that happen? Only if the healer dies and I need to bandage, or if it’s a fight that requires a tank rotation. That’s it.

Now of course there are times when things are confusing, something is chewing on the healer and you are trying to save the day and I taunt and then you do too. That’s fine, you did the right thing in saving the healer, don’t beat yourself up about it, you don’t need to apologize to me for it either. I saw what happened, I’m 4% smarter than I look.

When should you bubble me?

I hope this is a priest asking this, I really don’t need divine intervention thanks. If you bubble me I don’t get threat from taking damage. Don’t bubble me before a pull. Don’t bubble me early in a pull. If my bar is mostly red, sure if you think I need the extra mitigation and there isn’t time for a real heal, bubble me.

Don’t BOP me please, it’s a fantastic way to kill healers.

The pull.

Sometimes we aren’t going to fight the mob out where it is standing. Some times I will even shoot the mob and then duck behind a corner. This is not the universal “unleash your mana wielding ranged casting might” signal. What probably happened is I saw a little blue bar under the mob out there; I want him to come to me so I shot him, then broke line of sight. If you shoot him, guess what, he will stand right where he is and shoot back. Then I have to go out there and risk pulling the whole room to get him off of you unless you figure out how to duck behind corners too, that is assuming that the Moonkin and the Hunter standing next to you didn’t just take your cue and unload their blue wad all over the mob you just launched WWIII on.

The sheep

We pull 3 mobs on accident. You can sheep or seduce or scattershot or whatever. That’s a fabulous idea. Don’t sheep the thing I am beating on! You know what will happen? It will break and I will already have another move queued up behind the move that broke the sheep which will break the next sheep you are trying to do since you didn’t change targets. You might not be familiar with the “F” key. Click me, then click “F”, now you are targeted on my target, so target something else, anything else and sheep that.

Multi mob pull

Ok so we just got more than we can handle and I am tanking 3 mobs with no offtank. Attack my target would you? I only have so much rage to spread around. If you start shooting something that I am not concentrating on your going to pull aggro, then I have to decide whether I let you die, or whether I go pull it off of you and risk letting the rest of the party die while they keep attacking the thing I was attacking. The “F” key works great for this too.

The off tanks target

Just because I am the main tank does not mean that my target is the most important target to kill. In fact, often it is the opposite. I am the main tank because I take the best beating. The Hunters wind serpent that is tanking that other orc over there wont hold up as well as me. His target needs to die first. My target should be the last one to die. Those other tanks aren’t built to take the abuse I do, help them out. I will be ok, I have all kinds of squishies watching my back. Seriously, go fight the other guy’s target.
I agreed with most of what he said but he fails to mention one exception and assumes a role that is not his to take.

One exception, misdirection, I can not overstate this enough. Misdirection WILL make up 3 or 4 sunders worth of threat. A good hunter with misdirection can cause 3k+ of damage inside of 7 to 9 seconds of the opening fight. This does not mean however that everyone else should be unloading, this is a hunter specific talent and for use by hunters only.

The second comment, I do not believe it is EVER necessary at level 70, for a warrior to pull, plain and simple. They got into a bad habit while cruising up to level 70, very likely to very poor hunters they played with but that does not change the fact that all pulls should be done by hunters.
Very nice.. This one is the best:

"Ok so we just got more than we can handle and I am tanking 3 mobs with no offtank. Attack my target would you?"

in other games you would get creamed for not assisting the MT. In WOW you can get away with it I guess, poor healer...
Meh, hunter pull or I pull, I still have to get the aggro. It is easier to get when I pull, and I don't have to burn my taunt to do it, unless the hunter feign pulls.

I prefer to pull unless I need an instant cast pull, or it is a pull that may need a feign on, and in that case, a rogue can do it with vanish too. I am in control of the pull that way, and get the initial aggro, especially with los pulls and can get them to come straight to me, and where I want them to. I mark an ice block target if we have one, and the hunter is responsible for that target, and pulls it. Other than that, I pull. It has nothing to do with the quality of the hunter on whether or not they pull. Alot has to do with the instance type and group make up.

On misdirection, I don't have much experience with it at all, but I did notice in the group that we were in together, that you still pulled aggro off me, even with this ability. You can feign though, which gives it right back to me.
Misdirection pulls are the only way as far as I am concerned. As for pulling aggro, yup, it can happen, especially with everything still new and new gear, new shot rotations are being tried, we are learning what it means to be 70 with all our new bells and whistles.

** edited to add link **

Here is a better explanation of it from WoWWiki.
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I'm not done reading yet, but had to comment on something. If I make another mage, so like my 1019th or something, I'm going to name it Cruisemissil. rofl. That was halarious.
the only thing that concerns me about hitting OT targets first... many times, the pets don't have an effective taunt. If I launch a nuke, I'll die :(
Wow... people can write intelligent rants on the WoW Forums???

Oh wait, he's not a Druid.

I think I agree with almost everything he said, at least the principles if not the tone.
What to do when you get aggro.

The tank won’t always hold aggro. That’s a fact. Maybe the tank sucks, maybe he got feared, maybe he got stunned, maybe you just unleashed a cruise missile that crits the target for umpteen gazillion points before the tank had so much as an auto-attack on the mob. Whatever the reason, eventually you are going to have the mob beat on you.

If you are wearing pajamas and the mob is elite I understand the panic that sets in. You don’t want to get two shotted. I don’t want that either. So let me explain first the two things NOT to do.

Don’t nuke the thing with another cruise missile! You just pulled aggro so why go nuts trying to dps the thing to the floor before it can kill you? This isn’t a lvl 11 Defias Pillager, most likely you wont take it down in time. What you WILL do, is generate another gajillion points of threat that the tank needs to top to get it off of you. Stop hurting it. If you have a threat mitigator (cower, feint, fade, feign death) use it, if not. Just hold still for a sec. It wont be for very long, soon enough you will be sticking it full of sharp metal things or setting the mob on fire again. Just don’t make it harder for the tank to get the thing off of you.

Don’t run for the hills! I am a bit baffled as to where this gut reaction comes from. When you were lvl 40 did you outrun a bear or something? I don’t think you did. Do you think if you run far enough you will drop aggro? In an instance an elite mob will not drop aggro until you are dead or until you have left the instance. Running won’t keep the mob from chewing on your keester the whole time you run around, really it won’t. The mob runs the exact same speed you do. Guess who else runs the exact same speed you do. That’s right, me!

So if train A leaves Pheonix at 5:10 a.m. Pacific time headed east at 45 miles per hour, and Train B leaves San Diego at 5:10 a.m. Pacific time headed east at 45 miles per hour, at what point does train B catch up to Train A? That’s right! Never! So when train A dies in a monstrous fireball or twisted metal and diesel fuel, it is probably even going to blame train B for not saving it.

You need to run TOWARD the tank, at the very least hold still.

I agree with the general instructions here in this post on aggro managment.

However, the Tank needs to intercept, intervene. The person with aggro needs to move towards the tank, but they may be under fire taking hits some distance away. How many hits can pajama boy take while running towards the tank before he gets owned? I depends..1-3 in some cases. The tank needs to quickly use intercept, intervene or feral charge, rather then trying to run towards the person with aggro.

Tanks that have piercing howl and are tanking 1-3 targets need to keep them dazed.., (And in some of these new instances, often you will have to tank more then 1 target) this way if we lose one or all, they are moving at a snails pace. If you don't have PH, you could try to ham-string one target. (Bit harder though)

If a healer/pajama wearer comes under fire either the MT or OT needs to forget what they are doing and intercept/intervene the pajama's target. (Depending on distance ofcourse, it may not be needed if they are close enough already) Don't forget you have a fear..(Which can be used safely if you pull back far enough) If the healers you have die it's pretty much over. (This is of course if no other party members can CC that target)

If I've got 1-3 running towards my healer,Intercept/intervene and fear if need be. If you have an OT, assign that person to watch over the healer. (Pet/Pally, warrior) I try to tank so that I can see my friends in paper towels..(s)..and deal with the mob on their way towards them, before it gets there..

What can paper towel wears do to help our men/women in plate..
Most of what Ziloxus wrote. We can't do it all.. Healers specificaly depending on your abilities..(fade, bear form, bubble etc) Use your survival abilites..if you have to until your targets are dealt with by your party.

I'm loving my pally, because he is a healing/prot specced piece of sheet metal.
He can take a nice bit of dmg..if need be..

The second comment, I do not believe it is EVER necessary at level 70, for a warrior to pull, plain and simple. They got into a bad habit while cruising up to level 70, very likely to very poor hunters they played with but that does not change the fact that all pulls should be done by hunters.

I really like mis-direction, but warriors still need to learn to pull as we will not always have a hunter present.
If we have one in the group, I'd rather they pull. They have MD, better range and..FD if the pull is bad.

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We need to clarify for folks if they are to DPS the tank's target or the off-tank's target. I've OT'd a few times and have noticed a split of firepower btwn the MT and me, in general I don't care which is the order, just pick one.

If it is the MT first and I'm tanking something with a ton of HPs I'll judge light and seal light on my target, I won't do much damage, but will be hopefully healing myself with every hit. My target will still have a ton of hit points, but the main healer shouldn't have had to spend too much mana on me and it is an easy taunt for the MT to pull the MOB off once there target is burned down. If my target as the OT is first, I obviously use spells to do Holy damage and hold aggro.

The other key for Pally's is use of Righteous Defense. I know I have to get better at it. Someone who rolls a Pally now will be used to using it since they get it at Lvl 14 I think. It will automatically command 3 Mobs to attack you instead of the target they are beating on. Being ready to cast that on the healer is a great talent and it has a 40 yd range. Another dynamic that might keep the MT and clothie from trying to do some coordinated run to pass off an angry Mob.
I did not write this sir. The poster is listed, along with the link. I just reinforced it.
Ok..I agree with "Ziloxus", in part and whoever reinforces the parts I agree with it :)
As a Arms tank since I tank always instances this is even more important cause it takes ALOT longer to build up rage.
I think whoever wrote this needs an attitude adjustment, if he were to talk to me like this id deff tune him out and jump in circles and do flips lol.... Otherwise, the information he provided is pretty good.
The second comment, I do not believe it is EVER necessary at level 70, for a warrior to pull, plain and simple. They got into a bad habit while cruising up to level 70, very likely to very poor hunters they played with but that does not change the fact that all pulls should be done by hunters.

I agree with what you are saying, but I have to say that like you suggested most hunters don't know how to pull. Even most hunters I have seen who think they know how to pull don't. :( So as a general rule, I don't let hunters pull in any pug... unless they insist they know how to pull and show it. I've seen far too many aimed shot pulls for my tastes. :(

In general, far too many people play for the damage meters I find. I don't mind the damage meters, just don't play poorly in order to climb up the meters.

I agree though, hunters are the superior pulling class, for a number of reasons.

As for points they make in the post, I agree with most. In general their post on stunning I think is overplayed. I find the vast majority of the time it just comes down to learning how they play. If you have a rogue that likes to open up with a stun all the time, fine. I just learn to time my taunt until after the stun is complete. I generally don't have any problems getting aggro on the mob as it comes out of the stun. This may change in later level instances, but so far in Ramparts/Furnace, this has been the case.

The part about running to the tank is excellent advice for anyone. If I see a clothy run by, believe me I take notice. :p In general though, for guild runs this isn't an issue because most people are on TS, and if someone has aggro and the tank doesn't see it a quick comment in TS will rectify everything.