Prayer List

Neirai the Forgiven

Christian Guilds List Manager
Hey I figured I would start a list that people can post prayer requests to. This is for prayer for your self, your families, friends or just for people you play with. These prayer request will be prayed for by others. This prayer list is not restricted to members of the forgiven, anyone may post a request. Please restrain from posting confidential prayer requests as this list is anything but secure.

And let me start with one of my own.

I've been strongly considering going to college at NAIT and taking Radio & Television Arts with an emphasis in Radio. I'm still not 100% sure about this step and I only have a week left to decide. I would appreciate your prayers as I consider taking this step.
Thanks for your prayers and God bless.
Hey just a quick note: My great Uncle Hans is going in for a biopsy this friday. I don't think its anything too serious (that I've heard) but I do think that its still valuable to pray for him.
As I mentioned in another thread, please pray for my friend Steven. His younger brother passed away suddenly Tuesday morning.
Following up...

Larry Boy, how is your friend Steven doing? Is he Christian? If he is, I hope this development has not become a stumbling block in his walk.

Neirai, What did you end up deciding about the degree program? Keep pursuing the tasks to which God calls you and be brave!

Guys, please pray for me as 1)I go through an extremely rough patch at school, and in 2)serving in Church as a smallgroup leader. I also happen to be reading 3) "Every Man's Battle", a book which I really do need to read carefully. I need to saturate this process with a lot of prayer. If you guys would include these 3 things as you pray for people, I'd gladly appreciate it.

Your bro and fellow adventurer,
It would be our pleasure, I would ask for prayer as well, it would seem our household has been been hit frequently (too frequently for my liking) with sickness. It seems we get over one thing to find another one just starting. Please pray for healing and wellness in our family. Thx all.
Just for followup, I'm unable to begin school until January. That lets some of the pressure off, and allows me to prepare better. Thanks for your prayers