Raid-level Resto Shaman gearing


New Member
So far in my pre-raid and 10man gear choices I have focused on increasing my Intellect and mp5, as early on your main problem is having enough mana to last healing intensive battles, and not so much that your heals aren't big enough. Once you feel that you can last pretty much any fight, then you start giving +spellpower more emphasis.

Now I've got a fair amount of 10-man gear, and my unbuffed mana pool is getting close to 20000. I've also got around 400mp5 selfbuffed. This is probably a bit low yet, but I'm thinking that soon i'm going to want to start looking more at gemming for spellpower in new gear I get.

What do you guys think? I haven't really had problems healing 10-mans. My 25-man experience is almost nil at this point, so I don't have a good idea of the healing requirements there yet. At this point most of my gear upgrades are going to be from 25-mans, so I imagine running those will give me some more data to chew on before I'm faced with a decision.

As always, I listen eagerly for your suggestions and advice.
Funny enough, I've always found the 5 man heroics to require far more from your ability and gear than the 10 mans or 25 mans. I guess that could be because you are a healing team rather than relying solely on yourself to get the job done. I would guess that your mana pool is fine, the MP5 could be taken care of by pots and foods if you are in situations where it requires a longer/more intensive bunch of healing to be cast and you should definitely focus on sp. After all, if your spell power is up than you will be healing for more each cast thereby using less mana overall (because less casts are required to heal the same amount)
When gearing for 25-man raids, MP5 is not as important as so many classes give mana back and usually there is another shaman or 2 so all the mana totems stack. I have around 400 MP5 atm but in the 25 man runs, I am usually buffed to between 750 to 1000 MP5 depending on who is in the raid. I have only 2 gems (1 reg and 1 meta) that give me MP5. The rest is SP. My mana pool is about 19600 atm. I rarely run out of mana in a fight though but whn it does happen, it is usually taken care of by dropping a mana tide totem. I rarely have to use a pot, mainly if something goes very wrong. I bought about 20 pots 3 months ago, I still have around 13.

I do find healing 5 and 10 man runs a little more difficult though. If I was mainly healing those, I would prob use some more MP5 gems etc since there is less mana return from other classes. Depending on what you want to run and what you find yourself running the most, gem that way.

Just watch as you heal and see what is going on. Are your heals not healing enough to keep your assignments alive or are you running out of mana too fast? Whichever is happening, adjust your gems and enchants to compensate. Me personally, I have gemmed for SP over anything else due to the built-in MP5 of my rings and gear, whoch seems to be enough atm. The one MP5 gem in my legs will prob be gone soon with at straight SP.

There is not one end all be all answer to how one person should gem over another. It all comes down to your playstyle but you can get a general idea by looking at other peoples gear choices and see what they did. Depending on what they run though it will vary from person to person.
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Funny enough, I've always found the 5 man heroics to require far more from your ability and gear than the 10 mans or 25 mans. I guess that could be because you are a healing team rather than relying solely on yourself to get the job done.

Or perhaps that you're only casting level 70 spells (just a thought) ;)
:) /gkick Neirai
/gkick shamat
/gkick evilhugpower
/gkick holyhugpower
/gkick whatever other hug power Jr may have
On that note (about only casting lvl 70 spells), since the expansion, downgraded spells cost MORE mana than the fully leveled ones. This means Anita is even more mana efficient than we thought!