Rainbows and Mustard Seeds

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I feel my cup is "pressed down, shaken together, and running over!" Thank you all for your prayers! Please pray for me daily! Your prayers are blessed!
I forgot to tell you that I have already received a raise, and she told me that if the paper is out on time next week, I will have another one! I feel another 70 hours coming in the next few days:) She is also getting benefits. She said that she has had such an employee turnover that she wants to have the ability to keep the good ones. She had prayed for months for me! I feel special! lol She also prayed that the LORD would put who He wanted into place. Her right had lady left this week, too! God is working here and I thank Him for the blessing of being a part of this ministry and getting paid for it to boot!! God is good! He really is too good to me!
A huge word of PRAISE!!! After searching for a church home for my family for several months, God has led us to the place where he has a work for us to do. A lot of prayer and word searching has gone into this decision so I know it is of God. Also, be careful what you pray for, I prayed dilligently for God to use me and before we were even official members of the Church, I was asked to work with the youth ministry as well as several other projects in the church. The chaplain at work has also asked me to serve on the board of advisors for a huge project involving the spiritual rehabilitation of repeat inmates. Praise God for answered prayers and that he would use such an insignificent person like me to do his work. Praise God!!!
Experiencing God in 60 Minutes

On my ride home tonight, I was listening to Praise music and Praising God to the fullest extent my lungs and heart would allow given the fact I was driving. All of a sudden, I was filled with huge amounts of anger towards my step-daughter's biological mother. Well, given that the song Imagine by Mercy Me, I pushed the anger away, slightly confused by its sudden onslaught and kept worshiping God. So I drive home, 45 minutes later and pull into the grocery store. With the budget being tight this week due to the purchase of tires, I was figuring on really low cost meals this week for dinner. Usually we have something in the freezer, but even this time, I think all we would have had was ice. I promised Hot Dogs for dinner tonight because I needed something quick and easy. So I am cruising around the grocery store trying to figure out dinners for the rest of the week when I stumble across, buy 1 get 2 free ground turkey, which we love. How awesome was that. They has a ton of buy 1 get 1 free or buy 1 get 2 free. God has definitely taken care of our family.

Then, on my way home, I was waiting for the traffic in the traffic circle to pass when I see something pouring out of this car in the traffic circle. Looking closer, it was gallons of gas coming out of the gas tank. So, being the good and concerned citizen, I pulled over to get my cell phone to call the police about the public hazard (there was a lot of gas spilled, probably 3-5 gallons) As I am getting ready to dial, a patrol car came by. I told the officer what happened and he went on to address the situation. Most excellent timing. Things just came together perfectly given some tough situations.

I was told to go ahead and post this here because it is a HUGE blessing to me. (Original thread posted 4-15-05)

I was almost talked by my real estate agent and my wife into selling my home for about $5k less than what I wanted to ask for it. I prayed about it, and decided to trust God and ask what I thought was a fair price. So, to the dismay of them both, we went with the higher price.

The home was on the market for 30 hours when we received an offer for $500 more than what we asked.

I'm actually more excited about the act that I trusted God against earthly counsel, and that He delivered beyond what I hoped quicker than I could have hoped, than the fact that my bank account is now $5500 richer than it would have been... although that's a great blessing too.
I want to praise the LORD for my family, and for His goodness oftentimes shown through them. Always and forever, but sometimes they reach out and go above and beyond for me. This weekend it was a visit to Dallas to the World Aquarium, out to eat, and treats all along the way. This was not planned, they phoned me up and told me I needed to be ready for a trip in 45 minutes and all I was required to bring was myself! It was such a sweet treat!


There are some of the most beautiful of sights here. Moonglow jelly fish put in a dark corner in order for you to be able to see them glow. A tunnel of water that is so dark it is like looking into a mirror, except when the sharks come out of the black waters and swim all around you! I have always loved the shy cuteness of the seashores, but Australia's leafy sea dragons are pretty incredible.
God's creations are so astoundingly beautiful, I cannot begin to imagine the glorious beauty of Heaven.
I am a cadet Colonel in Army Junior ROTC, a first in 4 years have we had a colonel in our jrotc program. It's been 4 years of hard work to get it, its the highest rank achievable in any jrotc program nation wide. I'm so happy and thankful to the LORD that i'm able to achieve this and since it is the only chance I will have to led people in a military background in my life, I proved I can do it. Thank the LORD
As you all may know my husband URACorpse (what a name) is in Iraq. Well when he first left I was very sad that he had left all I wanted to do was stay at home in bed. Then he came back for one more week. Because the Marines weren't ready for them in Iraq. So God blessed me there and send my hubby back home, even if it was just for a week. Well then he had to leave again for some training in Maryland. I got to talk to him as long as I wanted to him on the phone in the evening. So that was ok too.
Well, he had to leave on a Wednesday to Iraq and wouldn't you know as soon as he called me at the Airport that he left from I started to feel sick. I get migraines and I was sick for almost 2 weeks, which left me a bit weak since all I did was lay around. My daughter even got worried about me and did not want to leave me. I actually told my husband one time to come home because I was missing him that much and was feeling that sick.
I always do my quiet time with the Lord in the morning. One day I just felt like looking something else up in my online bible on the computer. Basically I started to study more, did more devotion. I turned to God
Guess what, I started to get better. Isn't it amazing what God does for you when you follow him, he Blesses you left and right.
Well at this moment my husband is a few thousand miles away yes I miss him dearly, but I have so much joy at the moment. Nothing could bring me down because I know God is with me. God blesses me every day. Just this past Saturday my daughter said to me "MOM why are you keep on and on about the joy you having" She called me Danny Tanner from full house lol. All I could tell her was Honey I am just praising God for all that he has given me. I shared this with the Ladies and and now with you all. God is So great. I thank Jesus everyday for the peace he is giving me.
I hope you don't mind me posting a copy of the forum daily devotion here, Litsafalda. This goes perfectly with the Spirit of this area and it reminds me that there is a rainbow after every storm and a "pot" of God given blessings more precious than gold at both ends and all points in between. This is best seen when we abide faithful and trust in Him who will work all out for our good...who even allows the storms for our good. While at times it takes great faith to believe that, I believe and trust what He promises with all my heart.

Read Genesis 9:8-17

God said, "I have set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth."
-Genesis 9:13 (NRSV)

MY high-school physics teacher once observed that no two people ever see exactly the same rainbow in the sky. Although it may be the same sun shining through the same shower, each of us sees the sun at a slightly different angle, shining through a different set of raindrops. Therefore every rainbow is a unique experience for each observer.

So it is with life. Each of us may see similar storms of life. We may also be aware of God's grace shining during those storms. But the "rainbows" that renew hope are unique for each of us. Some we see during a gentle spring shower; others we see through the lens of tears. Each offers the same affirmation of hope that God gave to Noah long ago.

In my own life, I've seen many awe-inspiring sights that revealed to me God's presence in the world. But I've also seen many tragedies when God's presence didn't seem obvious at all. However, in these moments a "rainbow" often appeared to restore my faith, give me hope, and reassure me of God's continuing love.
W. Richard Turner (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.)

In the midst of life's storms, O God, may we see your rainbow of hope and grace that reminds us of your covenant and your infinite love for us. Amen
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wOOt my most wonderful week was yep U ppl.... Yep awsome and ty for such wonderful things u say ty...WOW!!! ROCK ON!!!!
I have an awful lot to praise God for. As a matter of fact, more than I could ever post here. So, let me give you all some of the larger ones and a couple small ones. My brother-in-law, who was in a coma for about 3 weeks after falling off a 10 foot ladder onto a concrete floor, has been doing extremely well. The doctors at the hospital said that out of 7 people that came in the same weekend with the same type injuries, he is the only one that is up and moving around, let alone out of the hospital. He has been home for a while now and was released from physical therapy Friday! Praise God! (His story of his experience with Jesus while in a coma is amazing. Maybe I can share it with you some day) Next, a lady in our church hasn't been able to eat solid food for about 2 1/2 months now. She's been living on a protein liquid diet the whole time and been to several doctors to no avail. Friday night, our church (who has been praying the whole time) layed hands on her and prayed over her. The next morning she ate eggs and toast for breakfast! Praise God! She did the same this morning. Third, today at church, a teenage girl who was in a near fatal accident several months ago (and has been paralyzed from the waist down ever since) was prayed over in the same manner. She said she felt tingling in both of her legs. Praise God again! this is the first feeling she has had in her legs since early summer! As the youth pastor in our church, this is all overwhelmingly amazing. God is truly an AWESOME GOD! Our youth group is going through a serious growth phase right now. Not just in numbers but spiritually. Every member of our youth group attends Sunday morning services regularly. That's awesome, and ......well, like I said, there's more than I could ever write here. Just praise God at every opportunity and thank him more than that.
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