Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction or Crack in Time?


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Those of you who've played both, which do you prefer and why?

I'd like to pick up one or the other eventually, but it's doubtful (being the frugal gamer I am) that I'd get both.

Also, does either (or both) title feature any multiplayer? If so, is it local only or online also?
ACiT has trophies, if you care about those. Both titles are great, one of the strengths (and weaknesses?) of the R&C series is they sure do stick to the formula, haha.

I'd say the frugal approach would be to pick up the first, and wait until the 2nd is cheap to snag it. I think I got ACiT for ~23 shipped on a gamedealdaily sale.

Edit: Don't believe there is any multiplayer. However, there is a 4-player online/console R&C co-op coming - R&C: All 4 One. There's an announcement trailer in the store if you're interested.
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