Religious Intolerance


Active Member
I have been looking around on the forums on the wow website and ran across a group wanting to make a Christian guild. There was alot of trash under that post, as you probably guessed. I just wanted to know if you all have actually run across any of it. Do work with those people and show them how strong we are as Christians, be the bigger man or woman.
I know on Dark Ages i expirienced some of that intolerance. I do hope to see you guys soon, everyone was sold out of it today. <cries> God Bless
I did a search to see what you were talking about, and found this and this. Neither of them seem all that bad, so maybe you're talking about a different one?
Maybe you can give a link? I would love to meet these people!

BTW, I checked out the home page from the first link I gave just to see what they are like. Apparently they started off on Mal'Ganis (Central PvP server) then switched to Thunderlord after a day or two (Also Central PvP server). They are a smaller, developing guild and I almost want to tell them to come to Illidan.
If some people would just type "Christian Warcraft guild" in the search engine they'd see our name in the list. It's that easy...