Saturday July 11th, 2009 What does God Say about Same Sex, Well sex?


Former Official Thread Killer
Caution, this one is not for those who are feeling more politically correct. Also, I have a bad habit of interjecting in my own message...

Leviticus 20:13 said:
13." 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

*reads, then re-reads the verse* Hmmmm, Let me see if I got that straight, if two guys have consensual sex, put them to death. (Don't go there about rape and the like, that is for another time and place)

Alright, so today's verse came about because I was talking to a person I met online (Weee! Random people!) And the conversation turned to faith (of course. :D ) Of course there was the usual bantering, however then we turned to political/Religious things. (I'm not religious, just look at my church pew warming score card, its in the single digits still) And Gay/Lesbian rights came up.

Now Me, being the guy that I am, stated that I felt it was wrong, that there is no scientific proof that you are "born" that way. Most people have to make the huge CHOICE (Wait, choice? If I'm born with it I don't have to take accountability for my actions! Forget saying it was my choice!) As I was saying, people have to make the choice to see someone of the same sex as appealing in a sexual way. (All of this can be tied back to this nice 3 letter word. SIN. )

So back to the story, I got called an "intolerant bigot" Or some such nonsense and the person signed off.

Was this me being intolerant? No. I didn't say I hate Gay/Lesbian people. God Loves them and so must I. (No matter how horrid I think their lifestyle is) their lifestyle is so wrong that God put it in the BIBLE that they are to be killed. Not just because it a sin (God put it there, not me. I'm just following the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) But because if seeing people accept the sin as "OK" It will lead more people to sin. (See Matthew 5:20)

(For the rest of what I have to say on this subject, please see my blog
Romans 1:27 said:
and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.

I read before that some folks believe this is talking about AIDS, but that's one verse I know that fits with the topic.