School has started


Just writing to let everybody know. It's a little hard for me to get online at the moment, because school has started. Things are getting off to a rumbling start, and it's taking up a lot of my free time atm. Writing out assignment/study/paper schedules, refreshing my Biblical Greek, and starting to delve into the fear gripping spiral into madness, also known as Biblical Hebrew...

I may lose my mind before the Town Hall Meeting, but I'll see you there. Just wanted to post, so that everybody knows that I am still active here! Just bogged down at the moment.
Jon, Keero, Strife, and Alohangel all are starting school...and I had a dream I started But I just have no interest working full time and going to school... :p
Yeah, me neither. Post 9/11 GI Bill FTW! Look at that... US Government paying my way through school. Talk about God using the Devil to do His work for Him! =) lol I imagine that Satan's fuming over this...

Ah, but I'm sure there's some lib out there trying to figure out a way to close this up...
I'm working on government loans, it's very tough to get a job here that isn't McDonalds. I can pop in and out for the beta, sure the launch week won't be too bad, imo. Bit nervous for tomorrow though, and Friday, hope Sat/Sunday arrives quickly. xD
i'm switching over to the post 9/11 GI Bill right now. Hopefully it will be done in time for my next semester because I am tired of dealing with my work's education assistance junk. :(
Grr, Japanese class is going to be hard (homework every night, quizzes when we walk in), but the teacher is very cool. Hoping my Math/Economy class is going to be cake.
All my classes are pretty easy right now... I have another class that doesn't start until October though that may put a little more on my workload... just hoping it isn't as bad as they are telling me it is...
Hard work is paying off! This weekend I have an opportunity to work AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!

If I can keep this up, I'll have free time to actually play video games again! lol Haven't been able to touch one all week!
Hard work is paying off! This weekend I have an opportunity to work AHEAD OF SCHEDULE!

If I can keep this up, I'll have free time to actually play video games again! lol Haven't been able to touch one all week!

Woot! Yay for hard work! :)
lol... trying to get to that as well... not as easy as I thought it would be though... still been sneaking in some game time though... maybe that is why i can't get ahead... lol