Shield block changes?


New Member
For whatever reason, the WoW bug hit me again, and I decided to start grinding my warrior, going from 28 to 37 this week. I loved tanking on my pally, LOVED IT, but I hated leveling him. Sadly he sits at 66 and I can't bear to head back to zanger to finish him.

Anyhoo, I remember having to cast holy shield every 8 seconds, and someone had told me that shield block worked the same way for warriors, but you had to cast it every 4 seconds. Now I'm reading a thread on the wow forums saying that in WoTLK you don't have to recast it. I can't seem to find any data as to what the change actually is, does anyone here know?

Thanks :) :)
Shield Block doesn't quite work the same way for warriors... I haven't heard anything about it changing, but I'm not exactly interested in shield mechanics (Bear+DK is my tank choices.) :)