Simple Response


New Member
I am generally well versed in basic arguments against christianity, but i realised one thing, people think of the main pretense or concept in christianity is that, all go to hell.

I know there is a senseible response, but right now i'm not thinking. this is a small apologetics. *11:50 right now. tired* night.
A lot of the perception of the Christian faith is perpetuated in main stream media. If its not some fundamentalist radical standing on a soap box on a street corning condemning everybody to hell, its some person in torn cloths standing on a trash heap after some disaster proclaiming that the end is near and God will smite us all.

For myself, its not about heavan or hell, its about mending and building the relationship with my Lord and Creator. Its not about standing up on a hill proclaiming the end is near, or that everybody is doomed to hell. Because neither are accurate protrays of Christian life.
I think the tiredness is working its way into your system-all don't go to hell, those who aren't CHRISTIANS go to hell.
No, actually as a said all who hov not been saved go to hell (ok, pretty close to that). Just remember, does a catholic go to heaven? Does a protestent go to heave? Does an Orthodox go to heaven? Does a Mormon go to heaven? All claim to worship the same God, but which ones will get to heaven? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Christians go to heaven. Whether they be Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc., they are Christian. Dunno about mormons though, after all they don't follow the Bible (polygamy and all that)
ChickenSoup said:
Christians go to heaven. Whether they be Presbyterian, Lutheran, etc., they are Christian. Dunno about mormons though, after all they don't follow the Bible (polygamy and all that)

If Christians go to heaven, then Mormons go to heaven, since they are Christian.

Let's look at famous polygamists in the Bible:

King David: 6 wives and numerous concubines
2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3

King Solomon: 700 wives and 300 concubines
1 Kings 11:3

Rehoboam: 18 wives and 60 concubines
2 Chronicles 11:21

I think someone forgot to tell them about only having one wife.
Dark Virtue said:
If Christians go to heaven, then Mormons go to heaven, since they are Christian.

Mormons are NOT Christians. They teach that God was once as we are, that we are the same race, and that we can one day become like God and have our own little planets to rule over. Mormon doctrine uses some Christian words but they pour completely unbiblical meanings into them, and they are in NO way Christian.
Berean Todd said:
Mormons are NOT Christians. They teach that God was once as we are, that we are the same race, and that we can one day become like God and have our own little planets to rule over. Mormon doctrine uses some Christian words but they pour completely unbiblical meanings into them, and they are in NO way Christian.

Tomato tomahto.

At the end of the day, isn't that God's decision, not yours?

As an outside observer, there is far too much finger pointing in Christianity. It's like a class war. Shouldn't Christianity strive to be inclusive, not exclusive?

Keep this in mind...Christians love saying that they are followers of the largest religion in the world. Once you start trimming the fat; the Mormons, the Seventh Day adventists, the Catholics, all of those that you don't feel are "true" Christians, then what are you left with at the end of the day? The world's SMALLEST religion.
Dark Virtue said:
Tomato tomahto.

At the end of the day, isn't that God's decision, not yours?

Christ defined Himself by His own words, you change those words and you are not a Christian. Simple as.

As an outside observer, there is far too much finger pointing in Christianity. It's like a class war. Shouldn't Christianity strive to be inclusive, not exclusive?

As a seminary student and pastor I work with all sorts of denominations. I'm personally a rather conservative bloke, but I work closely with everyone from Presbytryians to Episcopals, and though there are some big dividing lines there is no doubting that Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox are also absolutely Christian denominations. But there are some major concepts that orthodox historic Christianity does NOT bend on, and the Mormons break almost every single one of them. They are NOT Christians.
They are not Christians according to YOU.

Isn't it true that there are many Christians that believe that Catholics are NOT Christian?

How do you, as a pastor, address attitudes like this?

There's a whole lot open to interpretation here.

May I ask what your definition of Christian is?

What pushes the Mormons over the big dividing lines you are willing to accept?
Dark Virtue said:
Isn't it true that there are many Christians that believe that Catholics are NOT Christian?

How do you, as a pastor, address attitudes like this?

First off I would not say that a lot of evangelical Christians feel that way, but there are some, yes. Secondly, that's a very big subject that I would rather not get into in this thread frankly. I have a very mixed bag of feelings on Catholic doctrine, and often Catholics and official RCC doctrine are issues that need to be separated. Suffice it to say I would not exclude them from a list of Christians though.

May I ask what your definition of Christian is?

What pushes the Mormons over the big dividing lines you are willing to accept?

One who has realized that he/she is a sinner, utterly separated from God, and that the only way to a right-relationship with Him is through the precious blood of Christ shed upon Calvary on our behalf, and then who places their full trust and hope in Jesus for salvation.

However, Mormons completely change many things including:

-who Christ was (no belief in His divinity or in the trinity)
-who God is (they are essentially polytheistic believing in many gods, in fact we ourselves can all become gods)

Just as Judaism before us (in which Christianity is rooted and founded) we teach that (Deut 6) Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One God. Mormons teach a polytheistic, new age doctrine.