So who has it ??


New Member
I got 1.5hrs still...

i haven't done beta before so don't know what race to start...any suggestions
I've been doing the stupid blizzard downloader for tweny-four hours now and it keeps freezing up when I leave so I'm only at 32%. If blizzard really expects this to be its only upload method during retail this is going to fail so badly.
I've switched to using the normal bittorrent client and getting it through illegal channels cause there custom loader is so bad.
If They would just give me a real link to the beta I could finish the hole thing in under two hours at my maximum downrate.
I agree, it's sad.

Twenty six hours now of solid downloading and only 778 megs on my computer...

Estimated Time Left:

oh this is awesome...
I restart my computer and come back up and I just went from 35% finished to 19% this is so great now I only have a day left.

If anyone has a fileplanet account that can download the beta I would love you forever if I can use it for an hour
Yeah, I restarted once because I was having a problem with the downloader validation, and I lost 200 megabyets.

I envy you all with fileplanet accounts.
As much as I would like to participate, I don't think I will be playing at all until retail due to time constraints and so I don't have to deal with the blizzard downloader. If open beta characters are continued to release (I sincerely hope not; I'll be three weeks behind
) then I'll just have to hope no one takes the names I want to use.