Somebody report on the WvWvW, stat!


Active Member
I am busy moving but checking the forums on m y iPad. How is the WvWvW? I needs a report! Someone jump in there at level 1 and tell me how awesome it is.
Yes did about an hour and half of WvWvW tonight with Gator and Kerro.

We killed it. We went someplace where we were alone in Green's land we took a supply camp and proceed to cause us to take all of the southern towers and supply camps of the green's home lands.

We were smashed near the end by red who came up behind us taking a green Keep. They came up behind and we were caught in-between. Last I knew we left them fighting over it and just before I logged out we still had all 6 of the southern towers and supply camps.

This is what Warhammer should've been.

Starting with just the three of us, we attempted to take a Scout/Supply Camp in Green's zone. That's about 5 NPCs and a mini-boss, and it's wide open with two different ways to get in. We got overwhelmed pretty quickly and regrouped.

We then decided to at least take down the Dolyak supply caravan which is just a large slab of health that can knockdown when it attacks. It felt pretty good. As we're moving a long, we take down a lone Necro twice and pick up a Guardian and an Engineer in our roaming squad. We down a second Dolyak and decide to hit that previous Camp. We focus fired and tried to pull one at a time. With about seven of us, we finally took the camp and headed East.

We began to assault a Tower. It's quite impossible without about ten people and a siege weapon. Normal hits on my Flamethrower tallied about 70ish damage on the Tower door. A siege ram is 8.6k or so each hit. :] Someone built it, I hopped in it, and I had to just click the attack button, none of this 4-person gauge mini-game like in WAR. You can also vent fire in case you have melee on you. XD Two guards are in front of the tower and people can fire down on you. Once the door goes down, you kill a few NPC merchants on the ground level, flood up one ramp to the battlements and then channel onto another ram with multiple NPCs and a Tower boss. We were taking it from Green, but Red tried to gank us. In picture 71 you can see us scaring them off into their own spawn area. ;D

Another Tower and Camp and then we head up to the Keep. Like Tag was saying, we got flanked by Red the SECOND the Keep door went open. Quite a shame but it was a blast to try to hold out.

I'm hooked on it so far. It's simple to understand, fun to play, and impressive to see in motion.

Edit: The screenshots are sized down so they look kinda garbo. The game looks incredible maxed out.
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That sounds totally awesome! Did you have to level up your characters or did it do it automatically? (I tried to get into WvW with a brand new necro, thinking I could play with all the skills, but it just left it a lvl 2... I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.) I'm hoping to get a little more time in there in the next beta.

How was communication? Was it all typed or were you with people on mumble/TS?
Unlike normal PVP, it looked like it keeps your PVE toon's skills and such. Even though I was level 12 it scaled me up to 80 both damage and health wise.
It was fun!
We were Blue.
Red was attacking our outpost but then Green chased them away, then We chased Green away.. xD
I was playing a Mesmer in the WvW, I noticed that my clones and my phantoms weren't attacking the gates like they do towards enemies.. might be a bug might not be a bug.. Idk
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WvWvW was terribly confusing for me. I think I need to do some more reading on what to do and how to do it, cause all I know now is to kill other players.

Other than running around without any idea what to do, it was fun!