Tek's Writing Challenge: Tek7, Month 3


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Well, I'm a slacker.

I stopped writing daily a few weeks. My writing has been sporadic ever since.

I wrote a page and a half during my lunch break yesterday and decided to close out my previous writing log and start a new one.

This time around, I'm going to try to post more of my writing to the forums.

Day 1 (July 25, 2007): Idea: Tree of Life
Day 2 (July 26, 2007): Scene: Given Up
I am so lame.

I didn't write at all this weekend. I traveled out of town. We did get in late Friday evening, but I had plenty of time on Saturday. We got home late again on Sunday night, though.

Instead of closing this thread and starting yet another, I'm going to keep this thread open, but reset the count.

I'm also going to lighten up on myself a bit: I'm going to write five days out of the week. I have a hard time sitting down to write on Friday evenings, since I'm excited about the week being over and want to spend time with my wife. The 5/7 rule also gives me one night during the week when I can focus on the Job Search(TM), online administrative duties, or simply brain draining without feeling guilty.
I'm alive, but the moving process (and my lack of discipline) have kept my from writing more than a few times this month.

I did start a new blog about my travels across the Midwest (as I travel with my wife during her optometry externships), but I don't think that counts.