The Return of Orinad


New Member
Well, it had to happen sometime.
I am finally becoming less than obsessed with my 60 Undead Mage, Lantern.
This is good news for my Forgiven brothers, as I will now be spliting my
WoW time 50/50 between Orinad, Night Elf Priest, and Inkeyes, Troll Warrior.
For you guys, that means I'll be on Terenas approximately 500% more - lol.
On the weekends, I will likely be playing Lantern, for raids and Molten Core.
More on that later.

New people: Two people will possibly be joining me on Terenas. One of these is
Darren M. Some of you, Hawk and Neirai in particular, know Darran. The other
guy is David, a friend at work. He might show up from time to time. David is
not a believer; please keep him in your prayers.

Molten Core: Just wanted to say that this last weekend, our weekly combined-guild
Horde raid FINALLY beat some Bosses in MC. We managed to take down Magmadar,
Shezzrah, and Garr. This is the farthest that the Horde has gotten on Alleria.
It was also an awesome loot run, with 9 Epics dropping, including 5 epic set pieces.

Anyway, I should be on Terenas tonight, hanging out with Neirai.