To the admin guys.

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New Member
You know God always puts somthing on our hearts to share. I dont know who would be responsable for doing this but to you I say this. I think it would be a good idea to put up a inspiration forum. That would be a good place to share things God has done as well as other things to encourage eachother. Hebrews 3:13 But encourage eachother daily as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardend by sins deceitfullness.
to me it is...when I hear about what God does in people lives it ignites the fire. Know what I'm sayin?
Well yes of course. But what I am saying is God puts different things on our hearts to say. A personall example would be we are going through a hardship right now and I was starting to tetter totter in my faith. I looked at the inspiration forum on another page and there was somthing on it just for me. So God puts things on our hearts to say somtimes would such things be welcome in the praise forum as well as praise for what he has done?
understand what you're saying. will have to talk to Tek regarding that. I know there's a daily Bible thread, might be worth checking out in the meantime
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Oct. 04 2003,9:42)]So God puts things on our hearts to say somtimes would such things be welcome in the praise forum as well as praise for what he has done?
I would think that something like that would be an excellent addition to either our praise report or general discussion forums.

I try to keep our number of forums as low as possible, but I understand there is the need for a new forum now and then.

I am thinking of changing the Bible In A Year forum (which hasn't seen a new post since August 11) into a daily devotional forum. Of course, I'll need some help for this.

Anyway, don't mean to hijack the thread.
Just hope this helps clear things up, mrpopdrinker!
*moved to prayer requests*

i thought it would be better here as it is a matter of spiritual concern rather than chit chat. If not directly a praise its a good place to put it for me cos i usually go through this forum writing all the requests down so i could jot this down too..
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I am thinking of changing the Bible In A Year forum (which hasn't seen a new post since August 11) into a daily devotional forum. Of course, I'll need some help for this.

Ummm, yeah. Sorry. That is my fault. To be honest, there weren't enough people replying/participating and it was difficult to be motivated to write the posts. They do take me quite a bit of time to write. I feel bad because LadyKajun was extremely active, but she was about it. I am going to try and keep it more active.

But if you want to change it to a daily devotional...I think that would be FANTASTIC! Especially since I think the number of people actually doing the daily reading is very small. The daily devotional may be a better reflection of the desire the forum members have.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (SSquared @ Oct. 09 2003,10:33)]But if you want to change it to a daily devotional...I think that would be FANTASTIC!
SSQuared: If you're interested in leading up a Daily Devotional forum, please just e-mail me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org. I'm in Springfield at the moment, using my girlfriend's computer, so I won't be able to reply until Monday, but I'd definitely like to get something like this underway.
Eh, I really like the idea of a inspiaring forum. I've seen em before, and they're great. Just a place for ppl to post stories and such they come across
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