Tribe of Judah's 15th Anniversary

Results of the TOJ 15th Anniversary Photo Contest:

Worst accidental death goes to TheInvisibleSin for walking into an oncoming arrow
BLs death to Sin.jpg

Best Prank goes to LostShepard for his Anvil Drop
BL Anvil drop.jpg

Fatal-Fashion Award goes to Tek7
LostShepards photo of Tek7.jpg

Cake Dweller title goes to toj_Grey for staying longest in a large scale explosive cake
Explosive Flavor.jpg

Winner of the photo contest goes TDWFan for his sizable capturing of fireworks, cake and group photos.
Contestant prize goes to Lost_Shepherd, reward is a moldy cake hat.
Winners be sure to PM me your favorite texture/resource pack so I can make your prizes.

Honorable mention to Blsimpson for his recorded footage of the event
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