Uncle jesus wants you!


Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Subject: PRAY BEFORE IT STARTS A torch has been lit today to be passed along to your friends...asking them to pass it along....and along....and along. We can do something about the threat of war; both in Iraq and with terrorists. In the Old Testament, God's armies were always led by the priests. When the waters parted in the Jordan, it was the priests' feet which first hit the turbulent river. In the New Testament, Christians are also referred to as priests...all Christians.

We must, therefore, go in first.

As war approaches with Hussein and Iraq, we are asking the priests to step in first.....ahead of our military. Let us be setting up camp for our soldiers' entrance into the conflict. How? By prayer.

Let us be sending in "prayer missiles," "cruise and scud prayers" to target enemy plans. "Patriot prayers" to shoot down incoming threats.

We should be praying for two things: (1) that the enemy leaders become confused, disoriented, and distrustful of each other; that their entire system of attack fall apart, and (2) that in God's wildest ways, these enemies would become aware of His deep love for them and the war Jesus has already fought for them, personally, on the cross.
God had Gideon reduce his army from 32,000 to 300 men. He then equipped them with nothing but trumpets, pitchers, and torches. What an odd combination to fight off well-armed soldiers. When Gideon gave the command, the Bible says the enemy fled crying and turned on each other...all because God messed with enemy plans.

Prayers were started for this about a month ago. On CNN last weekend a report came out that although Hussein has nothing to lose, his generals do.

Is confusion beginning to develop? Please pray for God to set the stage for defeat of all those who intend to do harm. When our men and women of uniform arrive on the scene, may they be surprised at how God had camp set up before they ever got there.

Would you please do two things?

(1) pray, and (2) pass this along to those you know will pray.

May we build a prayer army of over a million in force...beginning with us.
Amen!!! The Lord had me wake and pray every hour last night in regards to this war. Praise God that I have the gift of the Holy Spirit allowing me to pray in the Spirit when I know not how I ought to pray. Thank you for this post, which has shed some light on how to pray over this war. God Bless you!!!
i really dont want to be a topic killer but why should God be with the USA the people that have forsaken his name, soilled his Truth and truely one of the most "Religious" countries, but how hypocritical everyone really is.

I think we should pray that God will humble this country and that the cassualties will be small and that this "war" will be fast, for both sides. Because we must not forget that they are people over there and God loves them too.
I doubt God will forsake the whole country when there are many true believers.  Did he not spare Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah??
Well said, CCGR! As I said in our last post, Sadaam is a threat to us, but he is a threat also to many others who cannot defend themselves so well as we can. Standing up for those people and for ourselves by going to war is the right thing to do. Thankfully, we have a Christian man in office who understands the importance of having God lead us, and he has expressed this openly on several occassions.

Remember, the holiness of a nation (I guess that's the way to put it) starts at the top and works its way down. The same was true thousands of years ago in Israel with different kings. A bad king was in office, did bad things, and bad things happened to the nation. A Godly man became king, put God out in front to the people, and the nation was blessed. I beleive that this nation is going to be greatly blessed over the next few years, starting with this war.
Well said Slam!!!  The greatness of a nation definitely rests upon the shoulders of it's leader.  I thank God everyday that we finally have a Christian in office, especially following the Anti-Christ that was in there the 8 years prior.  Yes there are those who have forsaken the name of God, there are those who have soiled His truth, and there are many very religious people in the USA.  But I believe that the majority of people in the USA are not described in that comment.  The sad thing is that so much of this travesty has come about by a minute band of people supporting the liberals.  I don't think that is the majority of America.  

Sad thing is, what does that say for the "Christians" of America (and I've been just as guilty in the past) who sit back and allow it to happen?  And now as Christians, should we also sit back (not go to war) and allow the terrorists to not only terrorize our land, but many others out there, including Israel?  This move is not only for the USA, but for the protection of many lands.  If you don't know that, then you haven't been listening to a word our president is saying.  And I don't assume to pray only for the people in the USA, but for the many innocent lives caught in the cross fire of this war.  I do believe however, that this is God's hand at work, as I do agree that "man" needs humbling.  Not only in the USA.  Why do people seem to think that men like Sudaam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden are so innocent?  Is it because the media portrays them as such?  Where then is our trust placed?  In the hands of the media, or in the truth?  I pray that God protect all innocent life, including the lives of us right here on our own soil, as I believe this war is going to be much larger then any of us can even imagine.  Let us not forget the many innocent lives right here in America that were taken at the hands of these beasts.  Should we just sit back and let them continue to take more of our innocent?  I think not.  God have mercy on all of us.
I don't think I'd go so far as to call Clinton an anti-Christ, even as bad as he was ;-).

I beleive that as one of the world's foremost powers, it is our duty to help protect the rest of the world. People can call it meddling or policing if they will, but look at the things that would happen if we didn't. The U.S., from what I hear, is one of the only strong supporters Israel has. I'm proud that we stand up for God's nation. So few people see it as that, and I really don't understand the general lack of respect for them. But as it says in the Bible, those who bless them shall be blessed, and those who curse them shall be cursed.