Usefull addons


New Member
Don't know how many people use these but I find them usefull in taking care of some of the little things. KC_AutoRepair and AutoProfit.

KC_AutoRepair is no longer updated but I have had no issues with it working. When you visit someone that will repair your armor it does it automaticaly. You can also set it up through the GUI to only repair what you are wearing, or nothing at all. It does tell you how much your repair bill was for.

AutoProfit is another nice little item that sell the majority of your grey items with just one button push. This button is on the top right hand side of the vendor screen.

Are there any other addons people use just to make the game a little simpler along these lines?
uhhh... I use feralskills, the feral druid "cheat" mod.

Basically, FeralSkills creates three macros that you can spam to automate the actions that you basically have to do while in bear and cat from.

Maul+, the first macro, automatically spams maul, and also has the options to automate Demoralizing Roar, Growl, Swipe (I don't), Faerie Fire (Feral), and Feral Charge. It does not have options for Bash or Challenging Roar (Thank goodness)

Claw+ is a Cat form macro for attacking in front of your target. It spams Claw, and also initially hits the target with a single Rake for the DoT. It can also autospam Cower, keeping you out of trouble. Other options include automating Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Tiger's Fury.

Shred+ is a Cat Form macro for attacking behind the target. It has an option to use either Ravage or Pounce as its opening move, and then spams Shred. Other options include autospamming Cower, and also automating Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Tiger's Fury.

Each of these abilities contain several options, allowing you to customize when you want them to procc. For example, in Maul+ you can set Growl (teddy taunt) to fire either as much as possible, or only when you are in a group and don't have aggro, or even only when your target's target is a cloth-wearer, rogue, or anything else with less than 40% health.

The only thing I think they need to improve is to make Faerie Fire (Feral) and Feral Charge check to see if the target is in combat before attacking, if the druid using the mod is also in combat. I've had quite a few oopses with that one :p
The only mod I use that I do not include is PriceMod from WoWECon ( I believe this is one great mod as it will show you actual completed buy/sell transactions so its price is very accurate as oppose to most of the AH mods which only base it on the buyout. I like the new version they just released which allows me to search the cost of an item even when I am not at the AH.

Some people have expressed concern over the fact that it fires up an .exe which will pull down the daily pricelist then quit and fire up wow. What might not be understood is the lua scripting language has no ability to make http requests so a stand-alone app is required to get the data to your box in the first place. As I mentioned, Pricemod does not have a resident app running while wow is up.