UTXMP Mod for UT2004

Free mods are so great, i am always afraid to DL them because i think there are Virus' in them a lot of times :( by the site it looks cool and safe though.
I can assure you, this mod is fun and virus free. It takes a lot of teamwork and coordination, but it's quite fun.

Free Monkey is a good team. I've gotten to know several of their team members.
I can assure you, this mod is fun and virus free. It takes a lot of teamwork and coordination, but it's quite fun.

Free Monkey is a good team. I've gotten to know several of their team members.

Do you find more are playing the utxmp mod or the original u2xmp?
UTXMP and U2XMP are 2 different things. U2XMP is the original multiplayer add on for Unreal2 where UTXMP is a conversion of the original for play thru UT2004. There doesn't seem to be as many people playing the UTXMP Mod as there is playing the original U2XMP. Sorry for any confusion =D
I chatted with some of the guys who host 1 of the only 2 servers for this mod and it sounds like they are moving to ut3 and only really play it on the 1st saturday of the month. Looks like unless you bring a friend you are only going to be playing against bots most of the time.
So sad. :( I really loved the U2XMP game play, and it was really really fun when it was actually supported by Atari, back in the day. (I loves me some class-based gameplay)

But if I remember correctly, UT2004 came out after U2XMP, 'cuz I remember comparing the vehicles. (UT2004's vehicle handling and physics was better) UT2004 just stole everyone away.
I finally got UTXMP to work, anti tcc 119 caught the 1 leftover file from a previous UT2K4 skin and prevenyed me from being validated.
My first impressions were: This is so slow, but after playing you realize just how important all three classes are and the relationship they must have in order to succeed and Win.
The only problem with this Mod is that 2 of the 3 servers are really High in ping and the biggest Problem is that no one seems to play, its hard to randomly catch someone on a server, but its fun so I will play on :)
This mod has been a little slow on the uptake. It hasn't had a lot of publicity. In the evenings you can find a game most nights. Th BBF clan has bots on their server so you aren't waiting around with nothing to do till someone shows up if you get there first. The gameplay is similar to TF2 but there's a little more depth too it with respect to hacking power generators and deploy points. The vehicles are a plus too :D

Here is a link to mappacks for UTXMP http://www.bbfunreal.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&cid=9. You have to register there to download them. BBF (Baptized By Fire Battle Clan) is the name of the clan that is hosting them and is also one of the most populated UTXMP servers. They seem like a good bunch of guys from what I can tell. Some of them remembered Shagz from his U2XMP playing days.
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Thanks for the Maps Cap, and for the Block of Instruction in yesterdays game [Yes it does help to read the manual on occasion] :)