Warrior Stance Macro


New Member
Call me old. Call me senile. Call me whatever you want, as long as it's not late for dinner.

Someone wanted to know how to assign key bindings to the warrior stances. Sorry can't remember who is was. Here's what you can do:

Create a macro for each stance. Here's the one for Battle Stance:

/script CastSpellByName("Battle Stance()")

Then drag the macros to your hot bar and assign whatever key bindings you want.

That should do it. Sorry it took so long to get the info.
You don't need macros for this, you can directly bind the key sequence to whatever you want. By default the stances I believe are CTRL-F1, CTRL-F2 and CTRL-F3. I have these set to R, F, and V.

R = bezerkeR stance
F = deFensive stance
V = battle stance (ok so no V in battle stance, but it's all in a line and it's close to the movement keys).
This also means that the default operation assigned to "F", which is assist, I don't have mapped anymore (though it could be mapped to another key). I don't use it because my UI mod allows me to see who anyone else is attacking and I can select that party member and then click on their target... but to be honest when I am tanking it's usually everyone else who follows my lead, not the other way around.
I was the one looking to key bind my stances. I just moved my stance buttons onto my hotbar and key-bound them there. much easier.