
Former Official Thread Killer
As of this evening we are now part of the Alliance. :) Make sure that in your chat menu you have alliance marked so you can see the messages posted there. Also, be sure and chat with everyone too!

Now from what I undrstand, we are now able to visit other clans Guild Halls and they are allowed to visit ours.

So yeah, we owe Baby Pie a HUUUUUUGE Milkshake for this one. :)

So have fun!
Welcome to the Alliance guys, glad it worked out for you to join. One of the great things about being in an Alliance is that you can usually find allies to group with you for difficult missions and quests. The best way to accomplish this is to post a date and time for your mission or quest on the SoE general forum (since we are the central guild in the alliance). Then you can log in a little before the start time and check via alliance chat to see if any other allies want to join. Even if you only get a couple of takers there will usually be someone with several high-level heroes. For more difficult missions and quests that require a fine-tuned team it might sometimes take a couple of tries before you get the group you need, but this usually isn't the case.

Also please allow me to invite you to join PvP on Tuesday or Friday nights if you already have an open PvP slot and some faction to spend on skills. PvP is the one alliance-wide activity we do consistently and it is a whole lot of fun. If you've got an open slot but don't have the faction or the PvP knowledge you need, I would be very happy to team up with you to show you the PvP ropes and teach you how to earn the faction you need. Just PM me.

Awesome! Look out for Arnin Dragonslay, Mad Dog Matt, Madd Dog Matt, or Mad Dogg Matt in-game (I chose to be confusing with my names on purpose. I mean, if Maid Mirawyn can have a bajillion similar names, some of them not even being hers... :p)
Welcome Guys!! Looking forward to playing more often with you guys. As dorkelf said you all are invited for PvP. I am the SoE pvp officer and I also can show you the ropes just pm me.