We Spam De Best, We Am De Best!


New Member
LOB just took the number one spot on the TAM ladder after a long and dirty battle against K1. K1 were jerks the entire time and wouldn't let us play even one map on our own server, but we plowed through and beat them anyway. My teammates don't know it but I was praying pretty much through the whole match. :)
Congrats Kraniac/Landslide on your 1st place victory! That's awesome. I see LOB has only been founded since 3-05 and now their on top. Prayer truly helps. :)
Is there a demo recording of the match that we might download?
I would have serversides for you all, but I highly doubt K1 recorded them. And if they did they wouldn't give them to us. They're mean like that.

And even though our TAM team was founded on March 05, several of our members, not all of which were LOB at the time, actually played pre-release betas of TAM. Chu, Hamsgod, Peter, Deicide, and myself all did, anyway. I'm not sure who else...

Prayer is my secret weapon. :)