What do you do when God won't tell you?

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I am rather frustrated with God right now.

Here's the situation: I was recently turned down for a promotion for the third time at work. I had prayed beforehand that God would make the path that He would have me take in my work life clear. I took this response to mean that it's time for me to look for another job.

Then I talked to an elder at my church (whom I trust) about the situation, and he told me that one virtue sorely missing in many young Christians is perseverance, that perhaps God was telling me to keep at it where I am now.

I have asked God to tell me what I should be doing for months now, and He just won't give me a clear answer. I know that one of His possible answers is "Wait", but it just seems uncaring of Him to tell me to wait for an answer when I don't care what the answer is. In the meantime, I'll be doing my best at a job that I'm not sure I'll be at in 3 months.

What I need advice on: what should I be doing while God is waiting to give me an answer? Is frustration at God something you struggle with? How do you deal with it? What does the Bible say about being frustrated with God?

Thanks in advance.
I am going to make some basic assumptions. 1. You've taken this to God in prayer. 2. You trust God to do the right thing for you.

My advice is to keep on trusting God and to keep praying. Not just about your job but about everything. Build that relationship with Him. While you are praying about your job situation don't forget to thank Him that you have a job.

Do I get frustrated with God? You bet. Want to know what I do to overcome that? I start out in prayer thanking Him for everything and everyone in my life. Not just a generalized statement but actually recalling as many events and people in my life. After awhile I become amazed at how much He has done for me. It is then that I get embarrassed over my frustration with Him.
Talaeryn said:
I am going to make some basic assumptions. 1. You've taken this to God in prayer. 2. You trust God to do the right thing for you.

Done and yes.

My advice is to keep on trusting God and to keep praying. Not just about your job but about everything. Build that relationship with Him. While you are praying about your job situation don't forget to thank Him that you have a job.

I came to a revelation about this the other day, while I was taking your advice and praying. :)

I examined the reasons for me wanting this promotion, and wanting a clear direction, and came up with the following reasons:
1. I want more money so I can better provide for my family. (born out of worry and faithlessness-- but hey, at least it wasn't greed. I missed out on the trifecta.)
2. I am tired of being attached to a headset all day (born out of thanklessness for the job I have).
3. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and not "going anywhere" career-wise (born out of impatience and lack of eternal perspective).
4. I think it's probably God's will, otherwise, why would I want it so much? ;) (born out of projecting my will onto God)

Notably absent from that list:
1. I'll be able to exert more influence for God's Kingdom from a position of more authority.
2. It's definitely God's will for me.

After awhile I become amazed at how much He has done for me. It is then that I get embarrassed over my frustration with Him.

Not to mention how much I do for myself and how little I do for Him. :(
Praise God for grace.
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