Wife on full bed rest at 28 weeks


Active Member
Hey guys! Could you all pray for us. My wife is 28 weeks pregnant and was put on bed rest because of some serious issues. Pray everything goes well and also pray we can have the finances to pay for our bills since my wife isn't able to work for a LONG while.
Will pray for sure, as will my wife. My adopted son was 30 weeks, and is living a full life as an adult despite some issues he still deals with. So God is generous and kind, who works in all things.
HUGS LOGOS......I've personally been there and done that...... My little one was born at 26 weeks......you would not know it by looking at her....our only issues are speech, slower muscular developement, and glasses for now anyway. They can do so much now as long as they help with the lung developement......we went into crisis at 25 weeks and played the wait in the hospital and see game.

God takes care of more things that you can ever imagine. Everyone always gives me the Romans 8:28 verse..........I like the ECC verses about a time for everything or a "season" Instead of being a "tax baby" my daughter was born on Ephiphany and has been my greatest gift and treasure even on the not the "best" days..........She just turned 6 in January.

Blessings and Hugs and many prayers, "Angel"

For some encouragement here's my latest thread with the original on linked from over 6 years ago.

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Going to pray right now for:
-Peace and calm in your hearts
-That your wife doesn't get TOO stir-crazy/bored to death. :)
-That baby can bake safely in there as long as possible
-Healthy momma and baby when (he/she?) arrives

Thanking God for:
-Beautiful baby that mommy and daddy already love so much!
Hello. Logos? Anyone keep in touch with him? I see he hasn't been on in a while. But if my calculations are correct, we are a little past what would have been the due date now, so surely there is news? Hoping and praying everyone is healthy and happy.