Wow, I've been away for a while...


New Member
It's been a long time since I've been able to play much in fact that I bet most of you don't even know me.

Just wanted to let people know that I was still alive.

The network here at my college really stinks, and that's why I've not been able to connect... :-(
Nope, sorry.

I found out about ToJ through UT2004.

But I have talked to you before.

Welcome. Stick around, we will be glad to have you. Also, might you be interested in competing on a TDM team? We need one more person.
Well, you see, I have not the time or the bandwidth...I started UT2004 while still living at home...and now I'm at college...a college with a really bad internet connection.

College freshman = little free time
College with bad internet connection = little bandwidth for gaming.


College freshman with bad internet connection = sad Maverick.

But, I didn't want to become a completely inactive member of the group that so kindly accepted me, so I thought I'd make a showing on the forums!

Three cheers to the people of this group who make gaming fun for everyone!
You're more than welcome here.. Post away.... College freshman really have very little time.
If you get some time and a late night or early connection it might be better to game a while. I play late at night after I get home from work because of my dial up plays better at that time. Around 2-3am EST. CS
I also play UT GOTY about that time too, if my friends from work are online at that time. Here is the ip. [PURE] zp| ++DH:44oz++Home of Turbo Insta++