You dont even know what "OP" is...


Active Member
...until you've seen this video.

Parental Advisory suggested.

Id like to point out that alliance has had no class with this ability.
Wow that is some crit. 20% more dmg for each shaman being there. Plus he got PI'ed, used ZHC, had +dmg pots including flask.

but hardly "OP". The only reason he hit for so much was because he had a raid of 38 shamans or so using stormstrike on a warrior.
I think the highest number of damage achieved was actually by a priest that mind controlled a boss/mob in Naxx.

It hit for over 100,000 damage. the quote was "If only it had crit" :D

EDIT: Correction! The largest one-shot was by a PALADIN from release, that 1-shotted Lord Kazzak with a reckbomb collected from over 3 hours of duelling and storing crits. Reckoning was hotfixed within 24 hours of the event.
rofl, if only they didn't fix it, then we wouldn't complain about the shammies being overpowered :p
heheh, reckoning was always something to be feared until patch 2.0....

/salute to the Reckbomb....:'(
Screenshot or it didnt happen.

The reason its OP is because what defense does anyone have against it?
What defense? Run from a raid of shamans.

The ONLY reason he hit for so much was because it was set up.

Raid of enhancement shammies + alliance = 4872934 crit

Shamans don't crit for that much at all in BGs because they usually will only have 1 stormstrike (10% base mana, 10 sec CD, 12 sec duration) on their target. And even if they time it right and stack it up to 2, the casting time of Chain Lightning is well over 2 seconds.

The debuff from stormstrike is dispellable.
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I'll still admit tho, the 25k crit was probably the highest crit done legit without bugs/exploits.

But for the 25k it required a bunch of shamans doing Stormstrike.

As for the highest legit, non-bug, non-exploit crit by a SINGLE player, I'd have to hand it to this warlock for 11,000;

But the pally in the video I posted earlier with 1800 reckoning charges stored...assuming his 2hander is pathetic and half of them miss, the minimum damage there would be at least 200,000. The game can only register so many hits at once, and since there's actually another bomb from seal of righteousness it seems like there was more than 1 hit on Lord Kazzak. Additionally, that's not from a single number, but rather from over 2000 numbers combined in one swing. If each hits for a 100....yeah, it's the highest amount of burst damage from a single attack to date. Pity it got nerfed. :p

The priest's 142k hit is the highest single number recorded for damage, although it's been done several times with probably more damage.

If there's a raid of shamans you get a raid to counter it.
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Ah, back in the day before super gear was everywhere. I miss those good ol' days. OLD SCHOOL FTW.

But that was quite some time ago (august 28 2005), back when Valor was considered the best gear there was, and warriors that could do that kind of damage were feared above all to be sure! I remember being so proud to be able to knock one down to 50% health when I was level 45.

But just for entertainment, here's a paladin that went to stratholme with a bunch of healers and buffs and managed to pump out a consistent 1300 DAMAGE PER SECOND!

The amount the warrior crits for in that vid, the paladin here HITS for (with mass amounts of buffs of course). The duels at the end are funny.

3.4k crusader strike ftw.

There's no need to fear paladins for the reckbomb anymore...24 hours after the Kazzak kill the charges were capped to 4, and at 2.0 the entire talent was changed so reckbombing is completely a thing of the past. What you see in the above link is probably the best a paladin can do in terms of damage now.

Here's an old school classic warrior video by's pretty old too, and was during the week where I think warriors were bugged and got 1 extra talent point. But if you wanna see insane pvp numbers, not much will match this one. I remember during a few AV's I was in a while ago Hellhammer used to do this kind of thing all the time.

My conclusion about "overpowered", then, is simply that ANY class, given great gear, buffs, and a little bit of luck, can be utterly insane. People just don't seem to believe me.
On a more practical scale, the only thing I'd consider overpowered without buffs is the mage, but will be quickly evened out with the coming of Burning Crusade. Stand at a distance or unflagged, ZHC, fireball, POM fireblast. 3k, 3k. 6k damage in 3 seconds on any target. Essentially, being able to 1-shot any player under 6k hp. Happened to me in my last video. :(

Just a little while ago Melko posted a video he made that features the trinket mage.

But pvp balance is within and between groups. There's more to pvp than just damage. What use is having insane damage if a pally/rogue combo stunlocks you to death? ;)
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Well lovely, new video on warcraftmovies features a Rampage bug for warriors that hits for over 6million damage.


The video itself has a lot of cussing if anyone really wants to watch it (and therefore I won't link it here), so be warned.