Your reviews?


New Member
Im thinking of buying BF2 and wanted to know what you guys thought about it. It would be nice to have some reviews before I drop $50 on this game. So....whats it like?
My personal thought is it is the best game ive played in a while and most of the bugs have been worked out from patches it is really a great game but it all depends on what kind of games your into
Well to tell the truth it is a great game. I have seen some bad things in it yes, but over all it is a very good game. I perfer most games over it although yeah i know it seems like i am addicted to WoW right now. But i have alot of fun playing it and getting kills. There are alot of different guns like a grenade launcher which makes the game hard and fun for me because you have to kinda play with that gun a bit before you can learn how to shoot it far and still get kills. I have played alot though so i am really acurate with the grenade launcher. I think it is a great game and you should pick it up. The more the better ^_^
The ranking system in itself makes the game very addictive. The matches of dominating due to being in a good squad are always memorable. It's just all around a blast to play.