

Well, I took that player up on their recommendation, and watched Zeitgeist the Movie. What a hoot! lol Talked to Xaris about this a bit in game, and he had a good chuckle. I had no idea what I was in for.

Now I know where people are getting all this! I was wondering where suddenly all these ancient religions had so much in common with Christianity, and I just hadn't ever heard about it in all my readings of Greek Mythology... how did I ever miss it!?!? lol

Well folks, it's easy to miss things when they're not there.

I especially loved the part when he talks about how Jesus never makes it into history, but then bashes the historians that mention Him. ;)

I started debunking the film myself, not realizing at first how widespread this film had become. In my looking around, I came across some info that showed just how readily accepted this had become, and how many people boasted of it as truth. Then I ran into this site, when I decided to see if it had already been debunked.


Don't waste your time debunking this ridiculous attempt at bashing Christ. It's not worth your time and effort. Watch it if you want, but be prepared to start laughing your butts off, if you know anything about mythology.

The part that really gave me crooked eyebrows was when the person in game said, "Dionysus was born of a virgin." Umm... His dad was Zeus? Sewed up in his thigh? Hello?

I didn't bother to watch past the 40 minute marker, when he stops bashing Jesus and goes on to America. I figured that was pretty much all that this person wanted me to see anyway.

Just some funny stuff, but completely sad that people just veg, and accept what people will tell them. Very sad.

This world will do anything to ensure that Jesus Christ remains a lie in their minds. They MUST ensure to themselves, that Jesus is not real, so their reality can seem more real. That their right is okay, and that the truth is wrong.

Lord, help these people. Touch their hearts. Give us words to speak to bring You glory and honor. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Help us to be the lights in the world that we are supposed to be, to guide these lost folks to You. I pray this in Your name, Lord Jesus. Thank you.
I wasn't able to watch the movie, I felt to much of an oppression coming from it. But I did read the comments from the conspiracy-science site. An it was very laughable about the stuff the movie tries to suggest on Christianity.
Well since this is a fairly older video, there has been some good apologetic discussion about this video. Here is an excellent link to a few apologists who have "investigated" the video. CLICK HERE :)