Zndie's Enchanting Supplies!!


New Member
I have been using my alt Zndie (lvl 12 Human Priest) for disenchanting purposes, in hope to help the enchanters of the Guild. John (Neirai) and I have worked really hard farming and giving up items ( instead of throwing them on the AH) to get a good supply of Dust's, Essesence's, and Shard's for the guilds use.

I have updated my list in Guild Ads and I will also post a list of the enchanting supplies on the New Forgiven website later this week.*

If there is anything you are looking for or have any questions either send me a message on the website or in-game to Yaone or Zndie. If i'm not on you can send an in-game message to John (Neirai) if you like.

Happy Gaming ^_-
~aka Yaone~

* I would do it now but i'm in school lol *
Are these mats for guild use only? If so, I would like to donate a bunch of illusion dust to your collection. My only request is that it would be used for enchants on guild only weapons/armour and not for profit. Let me know, thanks for taking the initiative on this Ms. Christi!
Yes It is for guild use only. But I will let the low lvl stuff go to low lvl enchanters. I spent a couple of hrs in VC today farming for green Items to disenchant for low lvl supplies
Just to let you know that some of the kids (Kaitlyn most notably) and I play alts that we are trying to level to the 20 mark so we can get into the guild. Kaitlyn's character Amberlee is an enchanter and I've been passing most of my greens to her to disenchant so she can get her enchanting up (I'm also levelling two alchemists in hopes of providing more free transmutes when they are needed). Does anyone else have an unguilded low level enchanter? (or tailor, alchemist, blacksmith?) <--then I'll know who to pass stuff off to.
I have no problem hepling her out with low lvl enchanting suppiles (since you are trying to lvl to get in the guild) Just message me to let me know and I will do my best to get you the things you need
[7F]North said:
Just to let you know that some of the kids (Kaitlyn most notably) and I play alts that we are trying to level to the 20 mark so we can get into the guild. Kaitlyn's character Amberlee is an enchanter and I've been passing most of my greens to her to disenchant so she can get her enchanting up (I'm also levelling two alchemists in hopes of providing more free transmutes when they are needed). Does anyone else have an unguilded low level enchanter? (or tailor, alchemist, blacksmith?) <--then I'll know who to pass stuff off to.