Zul Gurrub epic 2h SWORD Cool pic:

I've looked that thing for 5 minutes, all I see is a big -72 attack power. Thats a debuff of epic proportion.
well, my office computer graphics card is well, not good for gaming graphics. All I saw was -72. I checked it out on Allakhazam, and it is +72.
I was looking for another pic of that sword because they have taken it down and found a cool guide:

On Tuesday I attended the raid that Fewkz then later Revlis led through ZG.

I'm going to try to put everything I remember for the trash and bosses that we covered here.

First couple mobs are snakes and Axe throwers, snakes have ae poison and axethrowers have a spinning attack called axe flurry, it has a ridculous range and knocks people to the ground, and it tends to eat any cloth in melee range.

After you get past the groups of those mobs, you will go up a hill and start seeing bat packs. There will be a Bat Rider Elite and several non elite bats gathered with them. Pretty standard on killing these except for one thing, once the Bat Rider reaches 25ish % he will EXPLODE for about 5-5.6k Fire damage...don't be near it.


She stands in front of a cave on a small cliff. We fought her on the ground about 50 range in front of her cliff. First, make sure you spread out and try to stay at max healing range. Next, you will want those that are able to mana drain her to do so, she has about 26k mana and you will need her to be oom.

As the fight starts, she will transform into a gargoyle/bat type humanoid and uses an AE silence/ 1k dd on anyone in range, this can be avoided using max range. Periodically she will summon packs of bats that will usually go after the healers, just ae them down as they come. Once, she gets around 50% she will transform back into a troll and try to heal, so she needs to be as close to oom as possible by this point. Lastly, she will throw fire puddles at people randomly once she is in troll form, FR is good and make sure you stay spread and get out of the fire puddles.

Do this and she goes down easily.

Points of interest:

- AE 1kdd/Silence ( can be avoided by max range )
- Summons packs of bats ( non elite - just ae them down)
- About 50% she will transform back into troll form at which point she will heal if she has mana ( be sure to mana drain from the start )
- Not long after she becomes humanoid she will toss fire at people randomly ( much like magmadar, so be sure to stay spread and get out of fire )


Berserkers -

You will encounter these monstrosities not long after the first boss. They have a knockback and also AE fear, otherwise, standard zerg.

Working your way to the 2nd boss will be more of the same, snakes and a few trolls etc. CC the packs as you are able, we used poly most of the day. The 2nd boss room contains tons of snakes but can be pulled a pack at a time for the most part.


This boss has 4 snakes chained to him. We pretargeted and poly'd all 4.
He has the same amount of mana as the previous boss, so we decided to mana drain him from the start as well. He does have a pretty nasty poison AE, which should be cured. Also, he turns into a snake during the fight and begins to eminate a cloud of poison from his body, at this point everyone should back out EXCEPT the MT, otherwise you will likely die or get very close. Other than that I don't recall any special abilites, of course it is more likely that he had no mana to do them.

Points of Interest:

- 4 snake adds chained to him
- Poison AE ( curable)
- Poison cloud that hits those in melee range ( back out except for MT )


Next you will come to an area with spiders, lots of them. Even though they are elite I would suggest AEing them as possible. The spiders are VERY fast but hit plate relatively gimp. I was taking hits for 80-90 without a shield equipped. They have your mix of poisons like slow and such, but the interesting one is a drunken effect. It will make several people COMPLETELY SMASHED nearly instantly and it lasts for about 2 minutes. I do believe that this was a small splash from the corpse of something that died and while it can make things hectic it is fun as hell. =) Also, several of the packs have a leader spider, Broodmother or some such that will dump about 5-6 more small spiders upon her death, think LBRS. Among these spiders are some troll Shadowcasters, they toss multiple shadowbolts at people in the raid, not a huge amount of damage but best to be weary if you don't charge them fast. Once all these spider packs are dealt with you come to~


This fight can be tricky and is where many of the other groups in the instance had problems. There is the boss herself, and an Ambassador ( lesser named) there with her. Upon the pull the named will summon a pack of quite a few non elite spiders, but dont' be fooled, they hit rather hard, 350+ on plate, even with a shield, you need to have your pallys or any extra warriors ready for these and AE them down quick. The longer you wait to kill these spiders, the BIGGER they get and once fully grown ( only takes about 20 seconds) they hit even harder and kill quickly. Then dps down the ambassador ( once you kill him he does NOT respawn if you fail) and take the fight to the 3rd boss. She does a few nasty things. She will spawn a few spiders randomly that grow, kill those as they come but the really nasty thing she does is transform into a giant spider. She will ae poison, which needs to be cured as fast as possible and she will also web the MT and others in melee range then turn for the raid at which point they die quickly. We combated this by putting the MT and a few melee on her while the rest of the raid stayed at a distance clumped up. The second tank would be waiting at the clumped up range group until she charged. After that it was just using a tank rotation as she webbed the tank. You can either have the 2nd tank move her back to the first or move the raid as you wish, I believe we just had the tanks move her as able.

Points of Interest:

- Lots of spiders upon pull ( plate clump and AE down asap)
- AE poison curable
- Randomly spawning of spiders
- Tank rotation for when she Webs the MT and melee around her


Now you get to the fun part, you start to see larger packs of trolls now, and some raptors. Raptors are pretty standard packs that are elite but can be ae'd down. The troll packs can be a bit more tricky. There are Priests ( which heal and ae fear) and blooddrinkers, which will AE lifetap for a pretty decent range. They were grouped together 5-6 at a time and if you don't pretarget and CC it can get nasty in a hurry.


First you need to clear his entire room. Several more troll packs and raptor packs are present. He sits atop a pyramid on a raptor mount with an ambassador at the bottom of the pyramid. After the ambassador is dead, he does not respawn upon failure but the named will set up shop in the ambassador's previous spot instead of at the top so be sure to die away from this area. Once you pull, he dismounts immediately and both him and his mount charge. MT will pull him to the raid while an offtank grabs the raptor and pulls him away from the named. While the raptor will need to die, it helps if you keep him as far away as possible, as they will stack up sunders on the Offtank if you don't. At one point the offtank had sunder stacked on him 11 times, which doesn't make for very efficient healing and makes it VERY hard to keep the offtank up. The named himself HITS LIKE A MACK TRUCK. You will need everyone that is not on the offtank ( 1 priest and a pally or 2 on the offtank) to be healing the MT. The named also casts a debuff on someone in the raid and will emote " I am watching you closely"...at that point your threat is increased by a ton for about 5 seconds, so either cast VERY LOW aggro spells or don't cast at all or you get to take a dirt nap. EVERYTIME SOMEONE DIES HE GETS STRONGER. Yes, everytime someone dies he actually dings and gets the level increase graphic...so you do NOT want to die; he hits harder and can get to be the size of a giant with all the increased attributes of leveling. If you do infact die, (this part i'm a bit hazy on since it did not happen to me), there are spirits that are aligned along the walls, I believe they come and offer to resurrect you. If you die, the damage has been done already, so might as well take the rezz they offer. Now, at this point I might suggest that you kill the mount first then go for the named. We did not do it this way, but we still had to kill the mount after the named was dead. Someone did suggest that killing his mount enraged him or lvl'd him or something but with all the chaos of the first fight and people dying I cannot be sure.


Next you will come to a few more priests and snakes, no biggie. Then come the Mad Servants. They are small imp-like demons which we dispatched quickly BUT we were soon overrun by about 20 voidwalkers. We used a soulstone out of range and waited for them to despawn. We did not intend to pull the mad servants when we did, and no one saw how all of the Voidwalkers appeared. Either one of the imps opened a portal during the fight, or all of them opened portals upon their death...we only fought one pack and then skipped the rest. Next you will come to Tiger packs. Some have trolls, axethrowers and such mixed in, in general we cc'd the trolls and just killed off the tigers, not too rough. And that brings us to~


First clear the arrowhead shaped room just before his small room, this will be where you most likely want to fight. The boss is standing on a small platform with 2 tigers, 2 Zealots, and 2 Lesser named. The Zealots aren't too tough but there is a trick. If you kill any of the lessers or zealots they will be rezzed during the fight, and this goes for the named as well. So you must treat them like core hounds and have them all die relatively close to the same time. The lesser named both hit fairly hard, in the 5-600 range, but are stunnable. Once we had the trick worked out and got them all dead at the same time a funny thing happened. The boss rezzed him self and polymorphed into a giant Tiger-man ( I didn't get to see how much health he had as soon as he transformed, but on the first attempt when he was rezzed by an underling he started with about 40% in troll form). At this point we were pretty lom and he was hopping around so much in the chaos that it was hard to tell what he was doing as far as special attacks. However I did see that he was summoning tigers that just keep coming, so you have to kill them as they spawn. Bottom line, this fight is endurance, think Domo/core hounds. We got him down to 25% in his tiger-man form before we wiped and called it a night.

Points of Interest

- 2 tigers die first, then make sure the other 5 mobs die at relatively the same time
- Kill tigers as he spawns them in Tiger-man form
- Endurance is the key, make sure to be stocked up on pots and the like

Non mob items-

Jinxed pile - possibility to charm the first person to open the pile, possible blues and such inside as well.

Hakkari Thorium - thorium vein that most likely has a higher chance to yield arcane crystal