Zul Gurub January 15 2008


New Member
Thank you to all who came and being patient with this cold I have. Its one of those where every joint hurts, every muscle group hurts, moving hurts, not moving hurts, standing hurts, sitting hurts, laying hurts.

I'm thinking that once a month I'm going to pick an old world raid instance and run it. The following are all the old world instances:

1. AQ20 - No attunement required
2. ZG - No attunement required
3. Onyxia - Lengthy quest chains required for attunement
4. MC - Simple single quest required for attunement
5. BWL - Single quest required for attunement
6. AQ40 - No attunement required
7. Naxx - You have to purchase attunement - likely not be doing Naxx, I don't think anybody in the ugild is well versed in the instance and alot of people aren't going to be willing to spend repair money on learning it. You never know.
I'm not attuned for Avesther. The rep quests are too hard.
Actually not too many, generally capes were crafted as soon as we got the drops. There are maybe 6 left, I think. It's a catch-22 ... while Ony is a quick raid and fast loot, the attunement is a marathon and trying to get BRD and UBRS groups together is a pretty futile endeavor.

So while we could prolly reliably down Ony with 15-20 folks spending an hour a week, those 15-20 folks wouldn't be able to use any of the drops ... and the folks who could use the drops wouldn't be attuned.

While I love the idea of a BWL pwning just to get past that, um, pesky suppression room ... sticking to ZG/AQ20/AQ40 is probably the best course for getting the best of both worlds: nostalgia/new content for old players and raiding experience/cool drops for new players.
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Actually, y'know, I think what killed the Redeemed weekly Ony runs was the advent of daily quests. Why schlep all the way to Duskwallow Marsh for 20g off Ony when you can pick up 50g in an hour with the dailies?
I think I get your point, Where, but I'm just a little vague ... could you explain in detail one more time?
