Zul'Gurab (sp?)


New Member
Now that they have 20man content think we can assemble a team and run over this place :). We should start thinking early and planning on timing and stuff.

Zul'gurub, I'm excited about this instance. Why? Because its geared for smaller guilds, just like us. While we won't be able to front a full 20 people today, I think we could commit 10 for sure, 15 maybe, 10 and 5 backups, who knows, maybe a full 20 by the time the instance is released.

Alas, before we even consider the wonder of a 20 man instance, we need to work on our co-ordination as a guild on-line in instances.

Run more 10 man BRD\BRS\Scholo\Strats. Make use of Teamspeak mandatory, if not to talk, at least to listen. Voice communication is faster then typing, especially in the heat of battle.

The instance will have a 3 day timer, instead of the 6\7 days of MC and Onyxia. Which means we could work the instance for a few hours over a three day period before the instance resets.

So let it be known...this, I'm excited about!!!!
We use teamspeak.

Most guilds I have seen use Vent.

Why do we not use Vent? I have found it less of a system hog?
There are licensing issues with Vent. TS is free upto 100 connections per server. Vent is free only upto 8 connections.

I would like to help out too now that I have a 55+ char.
This is the catch in the user agreement of the VENT software that people should take note of:

4.1.8 You agree not to use any kind of router, firewall or other internet device to redirect IP or port numbers to obscure the actual IP address and port number of any of your Servers on which the Software is installed.

I'm unware of any server providing service willing to open wide its firewall for any program.


As Plankeye mentioned, Vent is free for the 8 seats compared to TS 100 seats.

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Zul'Gurub is slated for the 1.7 patch.
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