Recent content by balrogdude27

  1. B

    What did YOU get for Christmas?

    all i can say is: THAT IS A HECK OF ALOT OF AIRHEADS!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Sry for the overly big amount of emotes and caps :)
  2. B

    What did YOU get for Christmas?

    wow, u guys all got great stuff, all i got was some cash dont know how much tho, at the most $50. 22 airheads, some pajama pants with snoopy on them, a prayer devotional calender thing, a bible, (both of which are not bad of course) and Darwinia u guys got great stuff lol a zboard, a gig of ram...
  3. B

    Attack of Snowzilla!!!

    wow, im from minnesota so i know what its like sorta, all the snow and not much to do with it, obviously they found something to do with it ^_^
  4. B

    Oh, it appears you've purchased the "foolscreen" edition

    Pass the eggnog 'round! *Drinks from giant jug of eggnog (NON ALCOHOLIC) then passes to Atown* (Widescreen is Best XD)
  5. B

    Eve Online?

    Does anyone here play eve online? Just wondering about maybe making a tribe of judah corp for it. I just game a few days ago.
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    A few megachurches will be closed for Christmas

    I think we should all still go to church on sunday, And i am only 15 years old! Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy! (Even tho the real sabbath should be on a saturday, Christian honor it on sunday.) Obey just what it says and dont go off and say: "Give me presents now!" (I get about 4 presents...
  7. B

    Why is it Ok To Kill?

    Wow, I am amazed at the length this disscussion has gotten 2! When I play CS i dont think of killing them, I think of it as Eliminating them so I can declare my team the winner. I played a Nerf computer game where you run around with nerf guns and shoot eachother one time, I see CS the exact...
  8. B

    Why is it Ok To Kill?

    I have to agree in a way. I think it is OK for some people, then some people it is bad for them to play it. Like as i said in an earlier post, Alot like meat sacrificed to idols.
  9. B

    Everyones Favorite Story

    jumped the gun
  10. B

    Why is it Ok To Kill?

    Hello? sry about double posting but i was wondering why no one is replying??? *bump*
  11. B

    Everyones Favorite Story

    it was ugly
  12. B

    Everyones Favorite Story

    he actually sucked
  13. B

    Why is it Ok To Kill?

    That is a dead link, and I read the article Rizz wrote. It is also agreeing with my view of meat sacrificed to idols. And my parents are ok with me watching movies with killing, (Matrix, The Rock, Lord of the rings, Etc.) They make sure the movies dont have to much swearing and some movies they...
  14. B

    Why is it Ok To Kill?

    Is it ok to play a game with raping? Or pornography? Im just saying because i use the excuse that its not real and isnt like im gonna go out and kill people. and anyone who is arguing against me say what i said above, IS it ok for raping or pornography if its in a game? ITS JUST A...
  15. B

    Why is it Ok To Kill?

    My parents have told me that killing in games is wrong. I want to believe them and obey them because they are good christian believers who want what is best for me. I got counterstrike Source with HL2 and bought 1.6 seperataly. I think my parents will be ok with me playing it if I get some good...