Recent content by BBQSox

  1. BBQSox

    Mists of Pandaria

    No, what I really meant was restarting the war between factions that the entire Warcraft franchise is based on. I don't give a flying flip about PvP. WoW is a PvE game with terrible, broken, imbalanced PvP tacked on as a sidenote.
  2. BBQSox

    Mists of Pandaria

    I'm personally so excited for this expansion that I'm tempted to write a gm ticket asking for a group discount for all of my characters that can possibly be pandas. Ok, kidding aside, I dig the idea of getting back to a conflict between factions. Cataclysm started it back up with Garrosh...
  3. BBQSox

    A quick yay Jesus story.

    Our church just hosted Satellites and Sirens and had a message from Kelly Knouse (who is apparently a fairly well known youth pastor from Tampa) tonight. We had at least a dozen teens give their lives to Christ. I got to counsel a wonderful 19 year old girl who was so shaken up by the decision...
  4. BBQSox

    Word to the wise.

    ***WARNING*** Incoming blog ***WARNING*** Have you ever prayed for God to humble you, to remove things from your life that don't serve him or to help you follow him? Did you get the answer you were expecting? I sure didn't. A little background is in order to really get where I'm coming...
  5. BBQSox

    Happy Towel Day!

    In my high school English class we watched the sandlot six times (no joke). I don't think we read a single book sophomore year. The teacher was dyslexic or something. He pretty much only had the job because his first name was coach. Public school fail.
  6. BBQSox

    Happy Star Wars Nerd Day!

    May the mass times acceleration be with you. Am I doin it rite?
  7. BBQSox

    Who was Judah

    I subscribe to that newsletter as well. It's awesome. I look forward to it everyday (or at least most days when I'm not running late). Great stuff. So many inspiring figures.
  8. BBQSox

    Blizzard reveals Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest (legendary caster staff!!!!)

    Pretty sure every other caster in the guild would like to have a word with you out back behind the woodshed.
  9. BBQSox

    Patch 4.1

    Engris, all the drops from ZA and ZG are are 353s. They're designed to fill in the hard to find slots and make starting the first tier of cata raiding easier.
  10. BBQSox

    Reverse Psycology

    Rabbit season.
  11. BBQSox

    Reverse Psycology

    Duck season.
  12. BBQSox

    Free 7 days offer received March 31, expired March 22?

    What I would do if I were you is to log into the site. Don't click any links in the email. Just go there from your browser. There should be something listed on your account if it's legit.
  13. BBQSox

    Nesingwary is cooking Mcfierce!

    I knew that thing looked familiar when I took my mage through there. At least it's a well balanced meal. Off topic, what UI is that? It looks like you're playing sc2.
  14. BBQSox

    I want one of these for my birthday...

    You'd just have to upgrade it next year.
  15. BBQSox

    Guild Status Update - Please Read ASAP!

    1) Religious group 2) Rigid rules of conduct 3) Killing things (fake things, yes) All we need now is a promise of absolution if we comply and we'll have the crusades! I LOVE this idea! Also: I find the rules of conduct very reasonable and not at all rigid.