Recent content by FunnyLookinHat

  1. F

    Get involved with Tribe of Judah!

    This is all, of course, true in my terror. I've seen too many clans "fall apart" because of inactivity. But the truth is, as pointed out, that we are not gamers who happen to be Christians, but Christians who happen to game. We are held together no matter how little we play CS or War3 or what...
  2. F

    ToJ Competition Team

    This is quite exciting... I was about to look towards a new clan because I wanted to play in a competition team but I would rather stay here... so I'm all in. Just email me info or something -FunnyLookinHat
  3. F

    My Pic

    Here are links to the pics with cute girls in them from the rest of his youth group!! She's pretty cute... Err... um... heh ;) What kind of...
  4. F


    Tek, we will host just about any game... Right now I am working on half-life mods but I plan on expanding to quake3, UT2003 (or regular UT), and MOHAA
  5. F


    The company I work for does colo for 70$ a month... if you guys can come up with the money I'll put a box in there for us! : )
  6. F


    Well, if you guys are getting a deal then that is fine. I was just going to offer this in case it would be helpful. Do any of you have any suggestions on how I could get clans or people to rent servers from my company though? I'm all out of ideas!
  7. F


    Scratch that.I now realize you host iwth laggyservers... I can see what i can do with my company, maybe bring it down to 60 or so?
  8. F


    Hey guys, this message is mainly for Elite and anyone else in charge of the money for the server... The company I work for recently decided to start hosting games on it's T3 because we realized how much extra bandwith we had lying around... From what I gather, ToJ is hosting their CS server...
  9. F

    Awp Tourney v2

    I'm in! ToJ | FunnyLookinHat m3 |337 s|<i||z r0x0r j00 awpz0r
  10. F

    Bible In A Year pledges

    For anyone who has often found themselves wondering "What part of the Bible should I read?"...  this would be great for you!  I highly suggest this (if not, another similiar devotional that you may find).  Please prayerfully consider doing this to grow spiritually and mentally adept in God's...
  11. F

    Donation time again!

    I'm working on getting my parents to let me use their credit card to make a donation... until then this is for everyone who CANNOT DONATE... Please pray about this! We need just as many people to pray about the financial future of this chapter (and clan!) as we do those putting into the...