Recent content by Therapon

  1. Therapon

    Information for the List of Christian MMO guilds.

    Guild Name: Order of the True Light Game: World of Warcraft Server Name: Moon Guard Time Zone: CST Server Type (where applicable): RP Faction (where applicable): Alliance and Horde Guild Website (where applicable): Blurb: "The Order of the True Light...
  2. Therapon

    Warcraft guild: Order of the True Light

    All major cities in the World of Warcraft, from Stormwind to Orgrimmar to Dalaran, have postings on their public call boards announcing the following. Announcing the formation of the Order of the True Light. The order is an independent chivalric/paramilitary unit who fight not for Faction...
  3. Therapon

    Information for the List of Christian MMO guilds.

    Hello everyone! Manager, would you please add my guild to the list of guilds run by Christians? Guild Name: Order of the True Light Game: World of Warcraft Server Name, Time Zone, and Type: Moon Guard, CST time zone, RP server Faction: Both Alliance and Horde Guild Website...
  4. Therapon


    Greetings, Christian Gamers' Alliance. My name is David Kaijala, and I log in to World of Warcraft from Muskegon, Michigan in the United States. I have long been applying my Christian faith to the manner in which I play the game, creating a character who accurately represents myself in world...